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Very Odd Dream



So I was in Wal Mart, but it looked like Costco, and I was wandering around for a long time with my sister and her friends... and then one of her friends (he doesn't actually exist in real life) lost his iPhone or something, so we were looking around for it for a long time... and I was like, sliding backwards down the isles, which were HUGE, and then I was asking an employee and this shady dude wearing a shade trench coat and a shady hat about the iPhone, and they were like "No, we haven't seen it..." and then the shady dude started backing away and I saw an iphone is his hand and I totally tackled him and took it away and then my sister's friend came up with this random other guy who no one knew and they were like "yay our iphones..."

*deep breath*



Then I went to the Lego isle, which, as usually, was reeeeeeeally cramped and small and dark and claustrophobic and the ceiling was really low and there were non-production sets like everywhere but no Glatorian :( so I went to the video game isle and was looking at the DSs and there were like plushies everywhere to and there was this suuuuuper cute Pikachu plush and I wanted it soooooooooo bad but I couldn't have it for some reason.

*deep breath*



So then I was gonna go home and this employee dude came up pushing a cart full of Glatorian and I was like *whuppee* so they stocked them but once they were put on the shelf there were only like six of them, missing Gresh but Malum x2, and there were these other things that looked exactly like them but they were in clamshell packaging or something and me and the employee guessed they were clone brands but I'm not so sure.

*gasp pant*

So I put Vorox and Strakk in the cart, I guess, I don't know where I put them actually... then I picked up Malum's canister and was looking at the back and there was this animated ad for the 2009 video game. It looked really cool... you were running around this fire-like environment solving puzzles and stuff... with a Portal gun, I think... and my brother was looking over my shoulder and he was all like "good graphics..."

My fingers are tiring.

Now comes the weird part.

So then the game changed gears and it was like I was playing it, and I was running through this wrecked urban area, then out of this broken building/pit with pipes sticking out of it all this little tiny dark purple monsters come out, (I think they were inspired by Sableye [Link removed. Don't like to any wikis besides Wikipedia. -Kohaku], but they looked more like babies. :P) and then I was fighting them with machine guns and the portal gun, (the portal gun would make like three at a time vanish but it had to recharge) and it was getting really freaky...

Then I was with all these "survivors", and it was actually like me now, not like playing a video game, but the world still looked kinda CG and it still worked like a video game... so apparently the little purple demon babies could turn people into zombies and it was like the apocalypse. I don't remember much beyond that. We were like running through broken down apartment buildings... and then I think we talked to the head zombie... but beyond that...

The end. :P

P.S. I did not proofread this. :P






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Maybe those non-production sets were the 3927 sets!


- :f': :flagcsabada: Hm. I seem to have made a mistake with the coding.

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Reminds me forcibly of one of my dreams, which for some reason was filled with bootleg Slizers, Roboriders and Bionicle sets. Weird.


Also, because of its bounty of forum links, you shouldn't refer to that Pokémon wiki.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Wow... I can't believe I read that whole thing and there were no Laprases ;_;

But... Yeah. Weird dreams ftw =P


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Reminds me forcibly of one of my dreams, which for some reason was filled with bootleg Slizers, Roboriders and Bionicle sets. Weird.


Also, because of its bounty of forum links, you shouldn't refer to that Pokémon wiki.

I'm pretty sure wikis are okay, I see them linked to all the time. That one specifically as well.


Dunno though.



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Hmm, cool.


Were you aware that you were dreaming while you were dreaming? If so, you may have had a lucid dream.


If you get really good at lucid dreaming, you can actually control your dreams. which is fun, as you can fly, walk through walls, and do random stuffs.







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If you get really good at lucid dreaming, you can actually control your dreams. which is fun, as you can fly, walk through walls, and do random stuffs.

I am going to try this from on now.


Also other people have weird Lego dreams like me. :D

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Last night I had a dream where I was on this like subcontinent like right next to an ocean and offshore a ways was like an island where the government was run. So then I get in trouble or something in school and then so do my best friend and a girl on my academic bowl (quiz bowl) team and we steal a boat go off to the island where there is a sort of display going on and we are suddenly chased by other students in my grade soooooo then we go downstairs to this hotel/restaurant and the restaurant guy at the bar(wasn't serving alcohol BTW) asks me if I wanted to help clean the dishes and then I asked if I could take a room and he says sure so I start washing dishes and then my dream ended/ I woke up. Might turn this all into a story eventually.


Cade #3 Lavasurfer

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Too much Black Friday shopping? :P


BZP's too slow and I'm too lazy, can't retrieve my font.

I didn't leave the house yesterday.




Doesn't matter. Black Friday possesses us all. :unsure:


Pssh, that's nothing. My dreams would force your mind to bend, twist, and break into an endless oblivion of obscene idiotism and foolish grammatical freak...iness.


But I would've wanted to dream your dream, anyway. :(


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I can top that. :P I remember one dream where I was a Bionicle ( don't know who) and I walked into a tent in a Po-Metru assembler's village. Inside the tent were all six Piraka. The only one I remeber clearly was Zaktan, who was standing in front of a bench in the tent carving a staue. For some reason, all I really did in the dream was watch them and feel really confused.

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