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Lemon Or Banana?

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


You're feeling hungry. You go to the fridge. After several minutes of digging, you discover there are only two edible items left -- a lemon-flavored popsicle and a banana-flavored popsicle. You...


  • Eat the lemon popsicle. =D
  • Eat the banana popsicle. =D
  • Eat BOTH! Omnomnom.
  • Neither! I'd rather starve!
  • Eat the fridge.





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Eat the fridge, of course. That way, you'll be able to live through those hot summer nights AND you'll get both the lemon popsicle and the banana popsicle.



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I would go and ask Yoda.


"A high level of sugar, they both have. Sugar brings hyperactivity. Hyperactivity brings..."


And before he started monologuing (or in this case, while he was monologuing), I'd go and ask Obi-Wan.


"Master Yoda does have a point..."


I'd quickly leave the temple and go ask Grievous.


"I do not eat; how should I know?!"


I'd leave even faster, and then ask myself what I want.


I'd pick banana.


'Cuz I AM bananas. :P

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Normally, I'd say eat the lemon popsicle. However. If they were in the fridge, and not the freezer, then....they'd be soup.


Unless, of course, they were just recently put in the fridge. Then I'd eat the lemon popsicle.

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Lemon. Banana products are of fail. :rolleyes:

This is on the button. I mean seriously, those banana flavored things don't even taste like a real banana.


But I just don't like bananas as a whole. The only exception is banana bread.


That said, I'd eat the lemon one. Steak Boy, well, something tells me he wouldn't stop at the fridge...


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Eat BOTH! Omnomnom.




I'm actually torn between those. Just like Weird Al and Vezon, I like lemons and bananas a whole lot, but both have the same amount of like-y-ness.

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