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Weekly Update - 12/26

Black Six



I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, I know mine was pretty good. But now it's back to business.



So the 2009 sets have been appearing in stores, so get out there and pick them up if you're a fan. We already have reviewed one of the sets, and have two more in the pipe that should be posted in the coming days, as soon as I have some free time.


Next up, the long-running project finally came to an end (for all intent and purposes). The new rank images are here! It took hours upon hours upon hours just for me to upload the pictures, add the ranks, and change all the post counts. That doesn't include the time Takuta Nui spent keeping the list of new ranks updated for me, all the discussions amongst the staff over the names of each rank and the appropriate images, and most importantly, the time all the staff put in to making the actual images. It really was a whole team effort and in the end I'm proud f the results, even if it did take us a long time. Truth be told, there's actually a couple images that we still have to finish, but I don't think anyone is getting to those anytime soon.


Next up, please don't forget our Leaked Image Policy. Pictures of the summer 2009 sets have been leaked and they do not belong on BZPower.


Of course, what update would be complete without telling you to vote in the RPG Contest #12 Final Poll The Beatles. It has an awesome name, you should check it out.


We have another small project we're working on that affects mainly the staff, but should have a visible impact on the site.


That's about it for now though.



How can really someone be promoted into a higher rank??

This topic, while a bit old, is still a good guide to what we look for when picking staff.


I have been wondering, what's it like too be an admin? Is there a button like the post button that says "close" or "move" or is it some code that you post and people just can't see it? And how do you ban or upgrade a member to a Moderator? And if you have any more things that you do in certain ways, please do tell.

Being an admin is hard work, 'nuff said.

Yes there are buttons.

We have an Administrator Control Panel that allows us to do that.

Most things we do with topics and posts are done with buttons and such normal members can't see. Everything else is done in the control panel.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's about it for now. Things are probably going to be pretty slow, except for set reviews. So keep an eye out for those and check back next week!


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Truth be told, there's actually a couple images that we still have to finish, but I don't think anyone is getting to those anytime soon.

*starts waiting for someone to get to 20k or 30k or whatever so we can see them*



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the time all the staff put in to making the actual images.



Siiiix, you never mention any of the ones who -made- those 130+ images by name. I feel slighted! D:

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Siiiix, you never mention any of the ones who -made- those 130+ images by name. I feel slighted! D:
Picky, picky, picky. :P


Press that button-- no, not THAT button! The other button, press it.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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I've always wondered what shows up in an admin's eyes. :P


Well, I keep forgetting to send you some questions. :P Nice update, anyway.


The new ranks are amazing, great work guys. I congratulate y ou all on your effort. :)

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I was not sure where this would go, but I see that you are only accepting approvals from other members of this site who are "webloggers" themselves?



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I was not sure where this would go, but I see that you are only accepting approvals from other members of this site who are "webloggers" themselves?

No, I accepts approvals from anyone. If the member has a blog though, that's what I link to.

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I was not sure where this would go, but I see that you are only accepting approvals from other members of this site who are "webloggers" themselves?

No, I accepts approvals from anyone. If the member has a blog though, that's what I link to.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification.




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