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The Spirit

Black Six


So it's New Years Eve and all that fun stuff, sure, but that's not what I'm here about today.


So yesterday I saw The Spirit, and was quite surprised by how decent it was. It was incredibly over-the-top to the point where it was making fun of itself, but that just made it better.


I haven't read the comics, so I can't comment on how close it was to the original, but the story was interesting. A mix of some science fiction and a little fantasy with a lot of action thrown in. There were a few twists here and there, although overall I thought it was pretty straightforward.


The Spirit was directed by Frank Miller of Sin City and 300 fame. I didn't think things looked nearly as stylized as they did in Sin City (I can't speak for 300, never saw it), but there were nice accents here and there that I thought added to the cinematographic effect. Overall I thought it was fitting and made it feel like a comic book come to life.


If you're looking to see a movie with some friends and aren't sure what to pick, The Spirit is not a bad choice. I wouldn't consider it a must-see though, at least not until it comes out on DVD.


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(I can't speak for 300, never saw it)

:o This is madnes!



This is Sparta you mean.


Hmm, I might watch the Spirit.

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Let's say I have a dte.


And the lady friend and I had nothing to choose from.


The Spirit is a good choice?



If she likes action movies. For a date I'd go with something more neutral like a comedy. Yes Man and Bedtime Stories are out right now, though I haven't read much about either.

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He's pulling a hoax on us.


You really haven't seen 300?


That's unbearable knowledge -- you're Black Six, sir. You MUST see 300! :P


As for The Spirit, I'm really anticipating a visit to the theaters for it. But I can't surely decide whether Yes Man or Spirit is a better choice. What are your thoughts?



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Meh, 300 is goofy at best, and cheesy at worst. Sure, see it once (the effects are beautiful), but it's not anything to get worked up over.

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There's a lot of movies that I've been told that I HAVE to see. That one is already on the list.


Remember how I told you you don't like movies? This is proof. Every male must see 300.

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There's a lot of movies that I've been told that I HAVE to see. That one is already on the list.


Remember how I told you you don't like movies? This is proof. Every male must see 300.

Disagree. 300 is silly when you get down to it. And of course, the hyper-masculine, half-dressed 300 men in the movie I always thought made it more of a chick movie, personally.

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300 is worth a watch because it is so ridiculously over-the-top that it can't even take itself seriously, and yet pretends to, with a sly grin behind its mask.


But it's not really worth a purchase or multiple viewings. I would tend to agree with the Deev on his points. I seem to recall this discussion coming up at BrickFair back in August, in fact!

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