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Bionicle.com Updating In January



I should know by now that I'd start getting spammed at 12:01 January 1st about when the site will be updated. So, to answer the literally dozens of PMs I've gotten, here is what I can tell you.

  1. I don't work on weekends and holidays, so don't expect updates of the site during those times.
  2. I've already said "early January" so you'll need to be patient until the site is updated.
  3. Although I do have a target date and time to release the site, I refuse to publish that date, because if the site doesn't update at that exact time (for whatever reason), I don't need to get a thousand angry PMs about it. If it was totally in my control, I'd tell you, but I can't control it, so I'm not comfortable setting an expectation that might not be met.
  4. There will be a short animation about the upcoming web game, and the new commercials, but no other CGI.
  5. The game itself is scheduled for a February launch.
  6. B.I.O. codes will work when the site is updated. Hint: Get yourself a MLN account.
I'm very pleased with the way BIONICLE.com turned out, and I hope you'll all like it too. BIONICLEstory won't be updated for a little while, though.


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6. B.I.O. codes will work when the site is updated. Hint: Get yourself a MLN account.


Can you perhaps give us a hint as to what they do exactly?

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Actually, Bink, I have a question, if you can answer it: You mentioned that there was something possibly in the works to make the old archived content that's going to be deleted when the site is updated available elsewhere. Is that still going to happen?

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Cool! I can't wait to see the new content. I thought about PMing you, but I knew that you'd already been spammed enough and would need a break.

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