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One Block, Several Hours

Takuma Nuva


Some of the simplist things imaginable are the best. Same goes for BZPower. One of my favorite features is still the ability to see who has posted in a topic and how often.


Unfortunately, the same does not hold true for blogs.


So, to make up for this, I've spent the last several hours going through all the comments on my blog and counting them as well as marking down who posted how many. I'm going to store this information in a content block and update it regularly.


Unfortunately, when I added up the tallys it didn't match the total comments the Community Blog Page claims I have. So I'm going to have to do some re-figuring. But it should do nicely for now.


Sometime when I'm more awake I'll also re-arrange the information so that it displays in order of most-to-least comments.


Wow that took even longer than I thought. I'm going to bed so I can work tomorrow...


UPDATE: I categorized lower numbers. I was going to do this all along, but it got too late last night. The list is also now as accurate as it can be as of BCii's second comment. When I have more time, I'm going to figure out where those comments I missed counting went. This time however, I'll go one member at a time instead of entry-by-entry.




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Tip: use a spreadsheet app like Excel to save and sort your list data.


That's a cool idea. Too bad it's so time-consuming. :drooling:


(1st comment!!!)


<o> <o>

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I've done over 40 already? And you have enough time to count every comment on this blog?


Takuma...Do you have a life? :P

Life? Yes.


Sleep? Not much this way. :P


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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The only person on this blog to post more often than me is Takuma?

Wow, thats surprising....

Makes me wonder at my life choices...



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Felt like making it an even 70.....

Unfortunataly all i could think of was this pathetic excuse for a post


*Sees an articulate battle plan unfolding*


*Sneeks over*

*Comes up behind who seems to be the Leader*


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