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Vezok's Friend


And I have abso-freaking-lutely no idea what to post >_<


How about a game of question and answering? You guys ask me something you want to know and I'll reply.


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How'd you get so awesome at art. :P


Drawing. Drawing. Drawing. I keep doing it over and over, and everytime some little thing will get better.

Listen to the critique you get, search for answers yourself, try out new ideas, look at other people art. :)

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What's the worst injury you've had so far?






My worst injury? I broke of my right front-tooth when I was 10 or so. they glued it back but it broke off 2 more times. Now I wear a prosthetic on a gold pin embedded in my upper jaw ^^ (You can't tell though. It looks and feels absolutely real.)


My other worst injury was me falling from a 7 feet wall when I was eight. I landed on a small heap of rubble with my neck and couldn't breathe properly for half a minute, plus there was nettles all around, so I was sore, hurt and bruised for the next week.

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What...is your name?

What...is your quest?

What...is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?




World Domination.


African or European?

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Is the Zyglak on a Quest?



Is this correct: Morrowind > Code Geass > Me > TPtI > American Economy > Capn?


A quest of destruction.


When I get the chance.


Sure. But not at the moment. I'm feeling stuffed.


Propably is correct. But I am not definitve about the answer.

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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


How much norris could Chuck Norris chuck if Chuck Norris could chuck norris?


None and can't :P

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Is the Zyglak on a Quest?



Is this correct: Morrowind > Code Geass > Me > TPtI > American Economy > Capn?


A quest of destruction.


When I get the chance.


Sure. But not at the moment. I'm feeling stuffed.

Propably is correct. But I am not definitve about the answer.

Hah, somewhat yes! A winner is I!

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Is the Zyglak on a Quest?



Is this correct: Morrowind > Code Geass > Me > TPtI > American Economy > Capn?


A quest of destruction.


When I get the chance.


Sure. But not at the moment. I'm feeling stuffed.

Propably is correct. But I am not definitve about the answer.

Hah, somewhat yes! A winner is I!


In your world, yes.

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