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Late Entry



DATE LOG: 01.07.09 at 1100 Hours


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...module initiated.




I suppose this still counts as a morning entry, since it's still before noon. I didn't get to post at my usual time because I was running a bit late. This often happens on Thursday mornings. You see, when my sister is at GA's with her friend, she doesn't get home until around 9:00 p.m., which is when we usually go to bed. So on Wednesday nights, I usually end up in bed around 10:00 p.m. The rest of my family shares my fate, so everyone was running a tad late this morning. Anyway, on with the days activities.


First period, we did the first half of the outline I mentioned yesterday. The other half was assigned for homework.


In second period, we reviewed last night's homework, then my teacher introduced synthetic division - a very easy way to do the long division we learned yesterday that applies to a particular type of problem. She assigned ten problms for homework, about half of which I did in class.


In third period, we reviewed the stages of mitosis, then learned that mitosis in plant cells is identical to that in animal cells save one thing: A new cell wall is formed inside the dividing cell instead of splitting cleanly into two cells. My teacher also reminded the class that our homework is due tomorrow. Biology is the only class I really don't like doing homework for. I love my teacher, but she has us answer every questioin in complete sentances - even the multiple choice, which I think is ridiculous. The whole lesson didn't take very long; we had twenty minutes left of class when my teacher was done. I used the time to finish my Algebra II homework - it really was easy.


Now, in Digital Design, I have the entire period free while other students finish chapter 1.


I may not be able to make an afternoon or even an evening entry later today - I'll be very busy after school. First, a friend of mine is walking home with me after school (remember, I live a five-minute walk's distance from my school). This is actually a regular activity that usually happens on Wednesdays, but was postponed one day for undisclosed reasons. We collaborate for Algebra II, usually doing homework together, and then do whatever we want. Today, we'll be playing Heroscape. I plan to beat him with a new strategy I've developed, but I won't bore you witht he details. Anyway, after my friend goes home, my grandmother is going to pick me up and take my sister and I to one of her art shows (my grandmother is a painter by profession), where we'll meet up with my mom and brother. After that, there's a meeting at school for people interested in taking AP and Honors classes next year, so I'll be going to that. Once that's over, I MAY be able to make an entry on my mom's laptop, but no guarantees. I'm going to wrap up this entry now. I'll let you know at a later date (or later time, if I'm lucky) how the rest of the day went.


Wait - hold that thought. I just found an interesting function that allows you to create an acronym. For example, COOL. Now, hover your mouse over 'COOL'. Pretty neat, huh? It also works for basic things like 'LOL'. I don't know if you can use this in regular posts. Would someone try it our for me? Here' the format:


[acronym="Description Goes Here"]Acronym Goes Here[/acronym]

Thanks. I'll post again later.




Standard conversation module deactivated.


-Unit #CRKK- Vahki Commander

Vahki Command Code: 3262

Forum Division Zone: 2

Staff of Suggestion


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Yes...It works...in posts...too...

...And sigs...


-Unit #GVGR


Highlight my Banners :P


Very creative use of the function.


-Unit #CRKK- Vahki Commander

Vahki Command Code: 3263

Forum Division Zone: 2

Staff of Suggestion

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