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As we start another new year of BIONICLE, I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to BZPers for their support of the line, their creativity, and their friendship over the last several years. You are a truly special bunch of fans and you should know that.


I have met people on this board that I consider friends; others that I don't know as well, but who strike me as intellectually very sharp and fascinating conversationalists; and a few I wouldn't even want to be in an elevator with :) But I doubt very many other writers get the opportunity I have to talk with readers like this. It is truly an honor and a privilege to know all of you.




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What a sweet thing to say! You're pretty awesome, too, Greggie. :D Thanks for doing all that you do to keep BIONICLE fascinating and the fans satisfied.


<o> <o>

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You're welcome, and thank you! Your books are my favorite sort of BIONICLE storyline, and I was dissapointed to see so few in recent years. Thanks again GregF, for your hard work on BIONICLE and the LEGO Club and Brickmaster magazines, as well as your patience with our questions.

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Am I one of those awesome people? :P


Thank YOU, good sir, for taking the time from a busy schedule to interact with us and give us all kinds of stuff that most fans don't receive. Also, thank you for making a story that isn't full of plot holes and does something original and different with each chapter.


Thanks for the kind words and being here, Greg! :)

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Rarely writers are so kind to answer to so many questions and they rarely join fan sites for this, as you do Greg. :)

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Im betting im the one in the elevator....

Anyway, glad to hear you feel so strongly about us Greg

But all in all, i got to say it is more of an honor for US to be able to speak to YOU


EDIT: BTW: Took you long enough to update!

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And I personally believe that it is an honour to have you here on the boards, answering peoples' questions, and really, making the majority of the theories in S&T possible.




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How often do the readers and fans get to talk with an author? After meeting you in person, I can officially say you are one of the nicest people I have met. Being a great author in and out of BIONICLE has noting to do with this, its your ability to answer even the silliest of questions, and be sincere about it. Thanks for being a part of BZP Greg. Who knows, if LEGO cancels the line one year, you alone may be the person to continue the story, and where better than here?



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Your welcome, and thanks to you as well, Greg. Out of all the authors out there, you seem to be one of the best when it comes to talking to your fans. The sheer amount of time you spend doing Q&A on this site is proof enough. :)



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It's great to have you on the forums Greg. :)


I have to say, your Bionicle books are some of my favourite books. Sure, they're short with large writing. But there's loads of them. I love your style of writing and the way you take the story in all sorts of twists and turns in such a way that I just can't get enough of it. Most books I start reading I never finish, but Bonicle books are another thing.


Your Bionicle comics are great too. Great job on the first 2009 one.


Also, I'd like to say I like the difference of the new 2009 story and the direction it's going. It feels different. In a way that makes me miss the old Bionicle, but also in a way that I just love and is something completely new and different.


Keep up the brilliant work.


:kaukau: Vohkan :kaukau:

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It's is just awesome how Bionicle doesn't have any plot holes. A lot of stories always seem to mess things up after a few books/movies, but not Bionicle. That's why I think I've stuck wth it all these years. :) Keep writing!!

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It is an honor to have you here to know of our thoughts and opinions. If anyone should be thanked, it is you for your decision to be here, to know this.

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Not sure if I'm included in any of those groups since I'm pretty new to both BZpower and the Bionicle fandom in general.

Although I think you must have the patience of several gods combined to answer all of our questions.


After doing a lot of catch up in the fiction department. I definitely enjoy you're work and eagerly anticipate the 2009 story.



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I really appreciate what you've done for us. Even though your books are targeted to a younger audience than I usually read, I always enjoy them.


Thank you for all you've done for us, and All the advice you've given me, whether BIONICLE related or writing in general

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Wow... thanks for those. You're the one who should getting thanked, being able to take the time to come on here and answer questions and do everything else you do for us. Trust me, whether we show it or not, we all appreciate it. =)
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