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Better In Full

Spoony Bard


"Better in Full"

Recently members have decided to test the limits of BZP and post entries of animated pictures cropped at the head and shoulders, with a caption of "better in full". This gives the obvious hint that the full picture is definately not something that should be posted on BZP obviously.

While the whole alluring banner, avatar, or personal pic isn't new (I was the one who crossed this line originally back in 2004 with the Lovely Ladies, images cropped from Maxim), and is also allowed on BZP to a certain degree because it doesn't show anything beyond that.

However there is also a fine line to where you make it completely obvious as to what it is. I never did that, but members are, and it makes everyone curious to go and find it and see for themselves. Some may like it, but some won't. Is this the direction that BZP should be taking? By bringing in this curiousity to the members? One thing I'd like to note, if the image is no appropriate for BZPower, then why go ahead an try to loophole the system and use it as a launching pad for finding such things? It is the same as censoring your words on BZP. If you have to censor what you have to say, then don't bother saying it.

Now what is a better approach for this? Well for one, don't be all like "this pic is so awesome, but I can post the whole pic, so I am just gonna tease you with this crop and just message me for the whole site"

Instead, "my banner is soooo amazing" would be more sufficient, and should just be left at that.

For example, when I first started the Lovely Ladies fad, it was a huge thing for BZP. Members liked the approach, but there were those that didn't like it. These members were also shocked by the fact that a staff member would have this in his sig. But it was ok by Bionicle Rex because it show just the face, and I didn't rub it in peoples faces and say the full is better.

So my advice to those who are doing the "better in full" entries, please stop with that. I give you props for loopholing the system, but don't lead our members on to where they can find it.

And BTW, she is clothed.



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Eh, I think your overreacting to it Shilo. Sure it's not exactly the best thing to be done, but it's not terrible or anything like that.

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I quite disagree with you, neccy-Chan. I think Omi has it the proverbial nail right on the head.


Props to you Omi, for putting this out there.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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I assume that's just a blog thing. :P I do get your point, but I'm glad to be following in your footsteps now. :lol:

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Eh, I think your overreacting to it Shilo. Sure it's not exactly the best thing to be done, but it's not terrible or anything like that.


You need to understand that saying "Better in Full" on pictures of that degree in front of kids who are as young as seven is not a good idea. Parents would ban kids from BZP if something like that was on screen, and BZP would lose it's "Family Friendly" status among people, and end up with a bad reputation site wise.


There are also laws prohibiting things like that to be posted on a site that does not give the forewarning, and could lead to big problems. Sure, on BZP it doesn't have it all, but it gives the idea as bright as day, and parents would get that, but kiddies would look it up, and get in trouble. Then they'd point at what made them look for it on BZP and there goes everything.


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Spink has the right mind about it.








But it was ok by Bionicle Rex because it show just the face, and I didn't rub it in peoples faces and say the full is better.

He quite clearly explained why it was okay, as compared to the 'Better in full' blog entries that have been going around.

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Yeah, sorry, my fault.


Mine's not dirty, just in a bikini, and since BZP hasn't like beachside bikini's before, I figured I'd not use the whole thing.


Again, sorry.

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