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Glatorian - Bio-mechanical Or Not?



Lots of questions on the various inhabitants of the BM universe and whether they are bio-mechanical or not. I held off answering until I could consult with the story team, but now have an answer for you.


As you know, MU characters are bio-mechanical. A Toa or Matoran or Dark Hunter, etc. is normally about 85% mechanical and 15% organic (the organic being muscle tissue, lungs, etc.)


BM characters are also bio-mechanical -- however, they are more like 85% organic and 15% mechanical (note that helmets and armor do not count as part of the mechanical, since they are just equipment that can be put on or taken off. I am talking actual permanent mechanical parts of the body.)


So BM beings are closer to, for example, an organic being who happens to have some mechanical implants, as opposed to a largely mechanical being who happens to have some organic elements.



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My guess would be that it varies -- for example, some bone hunters might have ocular implants for better vision. Glatorian might have implants to help their muscle endurance, agility, or even some kind of implanted body armor to protect them in a fight, etc.



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Ok, that makes sense.

But I thought the eyes of the Bone Hunter's were part of their anatomy, such as the double eyelids. Or would that go beyond anatomy-the possible ocular implants? And by that extension, are the double eyelids natural even?

The Glatorian ones make a lot more sense. I'd assume Agori have something similar, like armor, would that be a correct assumption?

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I was actually suspecting that the explanation would be something like this. Only, I thought that the Bara Magna inhabitants were 100% organic but wore lots of armor, similar to knights and such. I supose that wasn't far-off from 85% organic and 15% mechanical.


Just a question, though, about the extent of the 15%. Looking at my Vorox sitting here on my desk, he looks pretty much like the mostly-robotic biomechanical creatures we've known since 2001. Would the 15% mechanical anatomy be an "exoskeleton" that covers his body, making him look more robotic? Or are there parts of the set that simply don't look organic but storyline-wise truly are?

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I was actually suspecting that the explanation would be something like this. Only, I thought that the Bara Magna inhabitants were 100% organic but wore lots of armor, similar to knights and such. I supose that wasn't far-off from 85% organic and 15% mechanical.


Just a question, though, about the extent of the 15%. Looking at my Vorox sitting here on my desk, he looks pretty much like the mostly-robotic biomechanical creatures we've known since 2001. Would the 15% mechanical anatomy be an "exoskeleton" that covers his body, making him look more robotic? Or are there parts of the set that simply don't look organic but storyline-wise truly are?


Technic things that still have the BIONICLE look, are pretty hard to make organic looking, without it being a guy with armor on, and even then that's not something that'd be easy for the technic style of LEGO. Story and the sets tend to have their differences, when it comes to things like this.


Though that's interesting, even though the 85% mechnical part on the Toa and such never stopped SS and Epic authors from making them a full 100% organic, but with armor on :P (Same goes to RPGs as well), but we all have that right since we're just being creative. ^^

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This is welcome. Who knows, the increased similarity to real-world biology and physics might even make the characters easier to relate to. ^_^


Can you tell us if and how the organic aspect will be reflected in the animation of the new movie?


<o> <o>

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Greg, is this question based on how the sets will be showed in the movie in any way? Or is this simply a determination by the story team unrelated to that?

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Thank you Greg for working this out for us.


Now, are the inhabitants of BM born with these implants (though the term implies they aren't)? I was actually under the impression that their mechanical parts are made of tissue that hardens with maturity, like seashells.

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Very much thank you for this info. Really cool to know and I can not wait to see this in the story. (It might be good to make a point of this for the fans that only read the comic and some books and don't see your blog here.)


I guess a good comparison would be Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric's automail? An arm and a leg are fully metal/mechanical though, and you make it sound like a full limb would not be all mechanical. Maybe more like Anakin Skywalker's right mechanical lower arm....


Spink makes a good point however on that the sets definitely look just like the Bionicle pieces we've known for a while now. Not that anything can/will be done to change that. We'll just have to realize how some shapes are probably more armor than mechanical part, and we'll have to figure out which parts have been replaced by mechanical parts, and what is just armor (like a knight's). This might make the hands more easy to accept over the joints as hands, and makes me thing that Malum's claws might actually be in place of his hands.



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So, forgive me for making this analogy, but they are pretty much the Bionicle equivalent of a Transhuman or a Cyberman? As in they "improved" themselves with mechanical parts? Or were they created with those parts?
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Since he said "implants" which are "implanted" into something, I'm making the assumption that they are just implanted with these implants which enhance their performance for what they do. It'd make sense in that way, I guess, though I'm still wondering how they come into existence... is it going to be the same way as matoran? Or is there a separate way they are created and come into being?
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Since he said "implants" which are "implanted" into something, I'm making the assumption that they are just implanted with these implants which enhance their performance for what they do. It'd make sense in that way, I guess, though I'm still wondering how they come into existence... is it going to be the same way as matoran? Or is there a separate way they are created and come into being?

If they are normally organic, then I assume that they have some sort of reproduction... It's much harder to create organic material than it is to make mechanical bodies, I'm guessing. If it is reproduction, then I'm also thinking that they won't tell us much about it. :P

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Hmm. It seems that swords are now 70 % more effective than before. :P



Not that they were ever used in the first place*...



*I do realize they were used slightly. This is one of those times where "never" means "not to often."

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So, are they a bit like lobsters with a soft tissue on the inside with a tough and hard exterior on the outside or is it more like our body with quite a bit of implants?

Also, the sets show them having a hard exterior at least, if that is storyline correct, so would that be their armor which they cover themselves in, or would that be a organic substance like our bones?

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Does that mean that there could be Agori/Glatorian babies :o?


If the answer is yes, then I will say something for that answer:






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Interesting info, Greg. I'm having trouble picturing that in my head (not that I don't like the idea). If one were to remove all of the mechanical implants/armor from a BM inhabitant, what would they look like? As in, do they have skin, scales, fur, ETC. underneath a sort of mechanical exoskeleton, or are the mechanical components more essential to them then that? Also, were the implants created/designed/implanted by someone, or are they natural parts of BM inhabitants' anatomy?



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