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Two Pieces Of News



Two fun things that happened this week --


1) AMEET sent me author's copies of the English-language version of the Makuta Guide to the Universe. Hardcover and printed on glossy paper, this blows away every BIONICLE book ever done in terms of the quality of the publication. They did a spectacular job and I am very proud to have my name on this.


2) I got to see about three minutes of finished animation for the 2009 movie yesterday. It was a big action sequence. With all due respect to the folks who made the first three movies, this makes MOL, LOMN, and WOS look they were done by kids with fingerpaint. The animation is crisp, detailed, fluid, the action is fast-paced and exciting (actual explosions and everything :)), and everyone at LEGO who has seen it is really excited. And this wasn't even the BIG action from the end of the picture, this was simply an early sequence from the first third of the movie.




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Wonderful news about the movie, Greg. This was exactly what I was hoping for - because honestly, the first three movies were pretty much snoozefests when it came to action. :P


And to think, just a week or two ago I sent you a PM asking about the movie. :blink:



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2) I got to see about three minutes of finished animation for the 2009 movie yesterday. It was a big action sequence. With all due respect to the folks who made the first three movies, this makes MOL, LOMN, and WOS look they were done by kids with fingerpaint. The animation is crisp, detailed, fluid, the action is fast-paced and exciting (actual explosions and everything :) ), and everyone at LEGO who has seen it is really excited. And this wasn't even the BIG action from the end of the picture, this was simply an early sequence from the first third of the movie.



Y'know, it's pretty bad when even GREG says that the first trilogy wasn't all that good. And that's just awesome. :P

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Finger paint, huh? But I loved the first three movies.


Sounds really exicting. Can't wait! *hopes for trailer soon*

You can hope for the ad in the march comic too. :P

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BFN - I didn't write the script, actually -- I did the story for the movie. Sean Derek wrote the script.



Ah, right. Well my point still stands :P

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Greg got to see actual animation? Cool. All Ive seen are some animatics. Guess I'll have to bug somebody to get access... :)

That's more than what anyone else here got to see. :P


Anyway, it sounds fantastic. This is one of two movies coming out this year that I'm really excited about. :)

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YESSS! Makuta's guide looks like it will be the best guidebook ever, and if it comes out in English I will LOVE IT!


As for the movie... I really hope it's good, although it sounds great. For me, at first I found it hard to imagine on Bara Magna, but after reading the first Empire of the Skrall I fell in love with the rock tribe, and the I look forward to the movie. Legends of Metru Nui wasn't very good, Mask of Light was okay, and Web of Shadows was pretty good.


:k: :m_o: :l: :l: :e: :r: :a: :k:

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That's really awesome news about the movie. And if the stuff you saw is that fast paced and awesome, I'm really fired up to see the rest of the movie! It sounds amazing.

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The animation is crisp, detailed, fluid, the action is fast-paced and exciting (actual explosions and everything smile.gif)


What do you mean by "action"? Do you mean "oh-look-I-cut-the-cable-and-the-chandelier-fell-on-you" action? Or transformers explosions, FF advent children sword fights, Fearless hand-to-hand combat action? Believe me, there is a difference.

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AZ Blue - I believe the first chapter book is in stores in June.


As for the Makuta Guide, I think -- not sure -- they are doing an English language version for publication in the UK. I have to check on that. I know the book is doing well and they are translating it into some other languages as well. However, it will not be available in the US, AMEET does not have US book rights for BIONICLE, Scholastic does.



Bummer. If it doesn't come out in the Us, I'll have to buy it online. Oh well! :shrugs: . Although it would be more convenient to be able to buy it at a store.


:k: :m_o: :l: :l: :e: :r: :a: :k:

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Oh well. I'll just have to buy Makuta's guide online. As for the movie...come on people, IT'S OBVIOUS IT WILL HAVE EXPLOSIONS! THORNAX WILL BE IN IT!

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AZ Blue - I believe the first chapter book is in stores in June.


As for the Makuta Guide, I think -- not sure -- they are doing an English language version for publication in the UK. I have to check on that. I know the book is doing well and they are translating it into some other languages as well. However, it will not be available in the US, AMEET does not have US book rights for BIONICLE, Scholastic does.






-Freeze :flaguk:

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BFN - I didn't write the script, actually -- I did the story for the movie. Sean Derek wrote the script.



Imagine my surprise: Sean Derek is a she. Oh, and she wrote the script for Foodfight!. Hmm.


<o> <o>

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AZ Blue - I believe the first chapter book is in stores in June.


As for the Makuta Guide, I think -- not sure -- they are doing an English language version for publication in the UK. I have to check on that. I know the book is doing well and they are translating it into some other languages as well. However, it will not be available in the US, AMEET does not have US book rights for BIONICLE, Scholastic does.



Yes! A book I can actually get!

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When can we expect a trailer?

And just ot make sure, the movie's scheduled for September/October like the first three?


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