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Short V-day Story >:3



Listen up U Gals and Guys! Today I ES6, (A.KA Chan'e the Demongirl) has a story about Valinetines Day. And its not romantic :sly:
Infact this V-day your about to tune in to will have alittle violence XD GuestStars in this story will be listed below the pic ;)


GuestStars ^~-
  1. 1:Arrol and Skull arrolandskullsample.png
    2:Taka Nuiva takasample.png
    3:Redrose123 (my friend from another site) redrose123sample.png
    And Gavla gavlasample.png

    And afew other characters =P
Chane's Valentine's Day. With Friends ^^
Written by ES6, Characters colored by SkullArrol and Me.

On this warm Valentines Day in the still chilling cool of Febuary, near a Collage Facility down the road of the Down Town Colorado town of Springs. The day starts upright and rowdy in clamor and sweet tenderheartedness, as Taka was beating around her friend Gavla with fight practice, and martial arts moves, Arrol was having a good conersation with Redrose about gardens and how to manage them. While Skull was irratating Chan'e, he was pestering her about V-Day asking why she had not liked this day to a point that Chan'e shouted at Skull loud enough for the Doorm members to hear.

"SKULL! STOP PASSING OFF YOUR TEASING AS A COVERUP FOR YOU STUPID QUESTIONS!!! >_<" Chan'e ended the conversation between them with her painting from her loud outburst, while Skull simply smiled with a wide grin.
"What?" Chan'e now asked in a concerned and confused manner.

"Oh. Nothing, Just got you to get the others involeved in the matter."

Taka without meaning to sarcastic had simply blurted out her question with the uomost curiousity and sarcastic confustion. "What the heck is going on? :sarcastic: Whats this about not liking Valentines Day? :blink:

And Chan'e now giving Skull a sutain glare of the distain of him <_< , had mellowed up and composed herself in calm manner, and spoke.
"Well since you all possibly know- but I hope you don't T_T . Its just been ehm-hmm >_0....well its just been my thing where I don't like Love. :bored: Chan'e then saw Skull grin widen as if he thought of a brillant idea, she was about to protest but was cut-off by Skulls cunning sneaky tone of voice.

"Sooo. :sly: I say we stroll around town and see if its true the famous Demongirl :rolleyes: has a weakness or not." He glared cunningly at Chan'e, and she had simpley-, "Fine >_<....tommorrow we finsh this." Chan'e huffed.

The next day Chan'e and her friends had gone down the street to the cafe eatery Callie's Cafe to eat and findout if there were any guys that Chan'e liked. Skull himself had felt a feeling that he'd enjoy whtaching Chan'e crumle in embaressment, but Chan'e was deturmined to get the better of him after this day had ended.....

The next day before Chan'e and her friends were to headout for the Caf'e down the street, Skull had made a call to some of his friends....

*on the phone*: "Yeah hey wasup? say can you do me alittle favor?",

*Guy on the other line*: "Ha! Sure dude what'cha need?",

Skull: " I need to prove a point and get revenge on my friend >:D *starts to whisper and maniacally laugh* ",

Guy: "Soooo- O_o You want us to see if Chan'e will be swooned by our looks? So that you can prove that she likes guys still? 0.o",

Skull: " Yes >:3",

Guy: "Fine O~o. Where do we meet?",

Skull: "At the Burro Caf'e-at 12:00 sharp >;D",

*Arrol at the other end of the doorm room* "Come'on Skull your gonna make us late."

Skull: "Remeber 12:00 sharp-C'ya there!"

Guy: "got it! ;)"

*phone hangs up*

Arrol: "Who was that? O-o"

Skull: "No one <:3"

Arrol: "Whatever dude T_T. Now come'on Chan'e and the others are waiting for us."

Skull: "K. >:3"

Later at da Caf'e Burro.......

The Waitress had come up to the table to take the Doorm Groups orders for lunch, "Alright Gals and Fellas ^^, What'll it be?",

Skull: " I'll have a a hot chocolate malt shake, and egg's, beacon and a steak medium rare. :D "

Waitress: "Alright now how about you young fella ^^?",

Gavla: "I'll have a Strawberry Maltshake with a beacon, egg, potato and cheese sandwich please ^_^",

Waitress: "Alright ^^. Now how about you missy?"

Taka Nuiva: "I'll have a dark chocolate maltshake, with a steak and some eggs and beacon."

Waitress: "Alrighty then, now you sweetheart ^^?"

Redrose123: "I'll have a dark chocolate and vanilla malt, and I'll have a ham and cheese sandwich with a side of fries.",

Waitress: "Right now you Sir?",

Arrol: "I'll have the lunch'n special, with a vanilla shake please.",

Waitress: "Excellent choice :bigsmile: . Now what'll it be li'l missy? ",

Chan'e: "I'll have a choclate maltshake, and a baked potato, with a steak and some cheesefries pleease ^^?"

Waitress: "Great! ^^ I'll be out with ya'lls orders in abit K? Hope ya'll don't mind?",

Doorm Group: "Nope. ^^ Not at all :) ".

Waitress: "Kewl, ok then :bigsmile:"

*Waitress walks away*

Meanwhile 10 minutes later the Doorm groups food had arrived, and Skull was gleaming with a evil snickering grin as if revenge was eminite as the clock had struck 12:00 on the dot........

TBC until further notice <:D


Recommended Comments

Nice story intro so far... and wonderful valentines day cards! =D

One day I gotta ask you about how ya do that awesome glittery text... ^_^


Happy Valentines day! :D

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