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It's Done



Well, I just finished what will most likely be the last US BIONICLE book for the foreseeable future -- the movie novelization of BIONICLE: The Legend Reborn, based on my story and Sean Derek's excellent script. It went very quickly -- unlike past movies, there were no big plot holes I had to fill in the book, because Sean did such a thorough job. All I added was a few extra bits to explore what happens after the movie ends and a little more on Tuma to explain his motivations. (I still have two more parts to write for The Crossing, the BIONICLE story I am doing for my good friends at AMEET.)


I have started answering q's here again, though I don't know how much I will be online between now and March as I have to go out of town for a week for work and won't have access to a computer (I don't think). It sounds, though, that with the Toyfair news, you guys have plenty to talk about without me :)


Sooooooo ... I am off to have breakfast and then play some Marvel Ultimate Alliance until my wife wakes up :)




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Sooooooo ... I am off to have breakfast and then play some Marvel Ultimate Alliance until my wife wakes up :)


That really is a fun game. :P

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Sooooooo ... I am off to have breakfast and then play some Marvel Ultimate Alliance until my wife wakes up :)


That's One of my favorite games!


Clone Trooper Unit CS-3KX Logging Out

Day 29

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So basically...as far as you know...you are pretty much done with the official books...wow...


Feels like it was just yesterday that I first saw a container for the original Kopaka Mata at Target and thought he was cool. I never thought at that time that I would become so enraptured by this marvelous story. This really is something. But hay, it isn't really over yet is it? I mean sure the official books might be no more, and I might be getting a bit old for the toys, but there are still stories to tell, fanfiction to write, and all that other stuff.


On a side note...Marvel Ultimate Alliance ROCKS!

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And here comes the horde of noobs screaming and yelling that you're back. Quick, act like you're dead or something. :P


yay greg are back mr greg plese anser me q: is matoro alyve plees anser sune.


But in all seriousness, does this mean there will be no books in 10?

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Sooooooo ... I am off to have breakfast and then play some Marvel Ultimate Alliance until my wife wakes up :)


That really is a fun game. :P


I used to play it, but then my friends and I accidentally didn't save our progress so we were all the way back at a really annoying level.


On Topic: The only advantage of that being the last Bionicle book is that I won't have to cram that many more into my shelf.

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Mr. Farshtey,


If the books end, does that mean no more BIONICLE comics? I hope not. I'd pm you, but my message pm thingy is messed up. I don't even know if you'll answer this. But I hope the BIONICLE comics continue.


~ Captain raven575

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Welcome back. And I am looking forward both to The Crossing (if I can get it somewhere in one of the three languages I speak, that is German, English and Spanish - hopefully it'll be released in one of those) and The Legend Reborn.



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Yay, Greg's back! :D


Well, I just finished what will most likely be the last US BIONICLE book for the foreseeable future


Darn, I like the books. :(

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Yay, Greg's back! :D


Well, I just finished what will most likely be the last US BIONICLE book for the foreseeable future


Darn, I like the books. :(

We should try to by ROV and TLR as much as possible to try to get Scholastic to try one more book in 2010 and see if it will work again.

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Hi guys,


A few answers:


1) At present, there are no books planned for 2010 that I know of. That includes BIONICLE Level 3 readers. Originally, Scholastic was toying with the idea of not doing the movie novelization in 2009 and instead doing it in early 2010 as a super-sized book with a bunch of post-movie story in it, but they opted to go for the 2009 route.


As for comics, the lack of books won't have an effect, positive or negative, on the number of comics in the year. The comics are paid for by LEGO marketing and their budget for that is what it is, it's not affected by what Scholastic does.


2) My usual MUA team is Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and Wolverine, though I switch out the Cap slot now and then if I get bored. This is actually my third time playing it, but I have never gotten all the way through for one reason or another. Right now, I am doing Murderworld, which I think is one of the weaker levels overall.





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Good to have you back with us on BZP!

Sad to here that there wont be any books next year

Played MUA a litle, but i wasn't very good...

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Good to see you post, Greg. So, there's a new, great movie coming out, that may well boost and revitalize Bionicle interest, yet the book company isn't willing to see if they can profit from that? Sad.

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Well no forseeable books for 2010 sucks so we're back to just the comics and sites for story info like the 2001-2002 days,



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Y'know, you scared me for a moment.


I translated "It's Done" as something like this:


I'm now completely fed up with the complainers here. It never stops. BZPower is becoming less and less enjoyable to go on, so I have decided to move on. I'm leaving for good...




Too bad about the books, though. :(



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