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ToM Dracone


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Briefly, they are what I think of when I look at the new Ignika.




Small, round, oblong, and yellow-orange when less than ripe. All adjectives that most unfortunately describe the new Ignika (minus the ripeness part). Basically, it's been truncated, compressed, shrunk, rounded, and in other words made less interesting in every possible way. Gone is the dramatic, sweeping shape of the 2008 Ignika. Gone is the crescent at the back of the top, and now the three ridges there just curve very uninterestingly back into the mask. Everything's been flattened into a tiny, round shape only slightly larger than a Glatorian head. Which means it's really tiny.


And boring.


And yellow.


Why not gold? Why not the old Ignika? It's gold in the movie. (So is Mata Nui, but that's for another entry) The Ignika's only supposed to be gold, silver, or black, anyway. I still don't see any reason why it -has- to be a new mold in the first place. The old version with a normal Metru head (I'd hope still ice blue eyes, of course) would be delightful. Heck, you could even orient the Glatorian head like an Avotoran one and it wouldn't be that terrible. And I can't help but think that it would cost Lego a lot less.


Small fruit are not what the Great Spirit himself, given a set form after eight years, is supposed to be reminiscent of.


We'll discuss the rest in a later entry, shall we? For the moment I'll say that I'm rather underwhelmed by the group as a whole.

~ ToM


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I still don't get why everybody hates the yellow? They could've gone ahead and just made him red because that's the best selling set, but yellow is alot closer to gold, so it works. Sheesh.


Just my thoughts.



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I was a bit meh about MN myself until someone said he looked like a Sun God.

Then I was like O M G


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It's more the fact that everyone who saw the leaked pics was absolutely certain it was gold; his canister shot makes him look gold; and in the movie he's gold. So having the actual set be entirely yellow is really, really boring and disappointing after we had assumed that he would be the much rarer and more majestic color of gold.


Basically, yellow is not an adequate substitute when one was expecting gold and thought that a gold Mata Nui would be the most incredible thing ever.


It also just doesn't make sense for the set to be yellow but the movie version gold. So there's a sort of doubled annoyance there – the set is a complete letdown to one expecting gold, but then one feels really frustrated with Lego for making the movie version as awesome as one had hoped the set would be, but leaving the actual physical set so disappointing.


Speaking, of course, for those who feel the same way as I do.

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You know, personnally, I like the yellow/keetorage/whatever it is. As I can build with that colour. Gold, not so much. Gold clashes with almsot any other metallic colour, and there are realatively few gold pieces. While I do agree with you on the fact that the head is remenicent (sp?) of a kumquat, I don't think the colouring is such a bad choice. Maybe they should shange the colouring in the movie. It would probably be as easy to do that as it would to change the set.

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Yeah, I too am annoyed with the head. And I also agree that it could have been the old mask with a Metru head. (And hey, it would have saved Lego money on a mold, and made the mask more easily accessible/buyable.)


And I remember way back when thinking that a Mata Nui set needed to be gold. Disappointment.



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I think he looks okay for a Toa. D:


I do agree, however, that gold instead of yellow-orange-whatever-it-is-now would have made it so much more EPIC. And Mata-Nui-like.



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Sorry baby, I gotta disagree.


Toa Ignika's Ignika never appealed to me. Maybe it was the colour, but I'm fairly sure it also had to do with the shape. It was just 'meh' in my opinion.


Mata-Nui's on the other hand is just downright hot, and if it came in Gold/Black/Silver I would havem chewed off my own hand in order to purchase it.


Yeah, you heard me.


My own hand


Fear me.



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Agree. I prefer the Toa Ignika Ignika to this one. New one is not as sleek from what I can see. The shape doesn't look...right. As you said, it would've saved a mold, plus ice blue eyes. Also, gold should've been definitely used.
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I'm more concerned about the Metru chest armour thing. His colour scheme looks rather like yellow armour over black, so why is the Metru armour black? That alone throws the entire colour scheme off for me. And judging by his movie form also being gold, I would suggest that maybe he was meant to be gold, but it turned out to be too expensive or something.


(technically we still need spoilers for this, Seran dear)

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I'm more concerned about the Metru chest armour thing. His colour scheme looks rather like yellow armour over black, so why is the Metru armour black? That alone throws the entire colour scheme off for me. And judging by his movie form also being gold, I would suggest that maybe he was meant to be gold, but it turned out to be too expensive or something.

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I quite agree with this; the rest of him is quite prominently yellow over black, so black over yellow on his hips is most strange. If he were gold, well, this wouldn't be so much of a problem, because he'd have gold armor over everything and then his body would be yellow and black in pretty much equal prominence...


Price seems like the most likely reason, but he's Mata Nui! The Great Spirit himself! If Tarix can have a little extra money spent to give him gold armor, then Mata Nui is -definitely- worth it.

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I'm personally impressed with Mata Nui in regard to color scheme. I agree that the black Metru chest over the Keetorange waist is a bit bad, but I blame the waist more than the Metru chest.


It puzzles me why Mata Nui's armor and mask weren't gold, but I'm not disappointed. Still strikes me as a bit odd considering Tarix as evidence that LEGO isn't completely against good ol' yeller-gold in BIONICLE, but not bad-looking on Mata Nui. The face, meanwhile, looks more like one, matching the Glatorian and certainly working better on Mata Nui, who seems a far less "hollow" character than Toa Ignika.


As for the Ignika, I am perfectly happy with its new form. I wish it were not necessary, but given the hugeness of the 2008 Ignika and the smallness of the Glatorian head it seems necessary (I won't begin to describe how weird a Metru head would be among coreleased sets that have Glatorian heads)


The Kumquat argument might be funny, also, but it gets tiresome when statements like that (comparing two entirely unrelated objects due to rudimentary similarities) catch on. After all, "brown is the color of stone, yellow is the color of bananas!" made no sense back in the day, yet became a fad. People compared Gali Mistika in early pics to a cow on account of what seemed at the time like a nostril (it wasn't, and the original Kaukau Nuva had nostrils anyway). Overall, I dislike such comments.

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Oh come -on-, it's not an argument, it's what I thought of it! :P Seriously, I just looked at the new Ignika for a while, and thought "... this looks like a kumquat." No joke.
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Store exclusive version maybe?

Exclusive 'DIY' version sold with a can of nice gold paint maybe?


Also, ToM, your 'dear' comment amused me. Dear.

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Oh come -on-, it's not an argument, it's what I thought of it! :P Seriously, I just looked at the new Ignika for a while, and thought "... this looks like a kumquat." No joke.

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With the three ridges along the top, I'd be more inclined to say some kind of kumquat-starfruit hybrid. But that's just my opinion. :P
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Oh come -on-, it's not an argument, it's what I thought of it! :P Seriously, I just looked at the new Ignika for a while, and thought "... this looks like a kumquat." No joke.

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With the three ridges along the top, I'd be more inclined to say some kind of kumquat-starfruit hybrid. But that's just my opinion. :P

Um, hello? Why has nobody said...the magical yellow fruity thingy that is so obviously needed here?


The Ignika is a Lemon.


There. I said it. End. Of. Argument.


Deary me, I have to do everything around here.

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Store exclusive version maybe?

That would be -so- amazing.


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With the three ridges along the top, I'd be more inclined to say some kind of kumquat-starfruit hybrid. But that's just my opinion. :P

I wonder what that would taste like?


I'm sorry, Seran, but I don't think it's yellow or pointy enough to be a lemon... :(

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I must admit, it is kind of odd -- it probably would've sold better had they done gold. I guess they assumed that since it's Mata Nui fans will by the set no matter how many corners they cut. :shrugs:
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I must admit, it is kind of odd -- it probably would've sold better had they done gold. I guess they assumed that since it's Mata Nui fans will by the set no matter how many corners they cut. :shrugs:

If that's their reasoning I must admit I'm pretty sad and disappointed.

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I'm not sure how good gold would look over yellow. Maybe just black with gold armor or white with gold armor.


~ Velox

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