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Quick Mockup

ToM Dracone


So everyone can see what I'm thinking of, more or less:


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This is the color distribution I had thought that Mata Nui had – gold armor over a yellow-orange and black body. It's not perfect, since I had to use Metru thigh armor instead of Matoro shoulder pads; the latter leave more black showing in his thighs and make them bulkier as well. But it's pretty close.


Minor color editing done to the leg armor (representing Inika legs with the new ankle guards) and the head (representing the Ignika) to change them from the slightly orange-ish gold of KK2. And to the legs, which are actually yellow Rahkshi legs, but pretend they're gold Inika legs.


(and no, I did not actually cut an Olmak. The wonders of Photoshop.)


So, pretend these are all the right pieces – clawed Inika feet, Inika legs, Matoro pads, Krika chest armor, Ignika, and Mata Nui symbol halves – and tell me, what do you think?

If he were these colors I would be raving incessantly about him...

~ ToM


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Blue pin included? xP


I'm a bit confused how the sockets on his arms are keetorange and the limbs black while the legs have the reverse. =\


I dunno about the armor, maybe use the same design that Vezon had but with gold?

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Well, it's that way on the real set, and I think it's a good way to balance out the yellow and the black. (Except his legs are gold, not yellow-orange, mind you; only his feet are yellow.) So that leaves a balanced distribution of yellow across him – feet, hips, upper arms, and hands. If his upper arm sockets were black and the Metru legs were yellow, then that would mess up the balance of yellow versus black.


His armor? It's just a Krika/Onua chestplate in gold... Vezon's style would mess up a lot of things, because he'd have to have a Piraka body, and then the two Metru chestplates make for a really flat chest...

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Looks great...except I though you wanted longer double joints? However, by doing it like this, the arms look the perfect length.

Are you wanting the entire lower leg to be gold? Or just the new ankle armor? I don't think Lego is going to make an entire golden limb...



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No... why would I -want- longer joints on the arms? Such things are the bane of proportions. But anyway, they've made an entire golden torso, and various silver limbs; why not a gold one?


And Kame, that heart makes me think of a mouse every time I see it. I can't explain.

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That looks a lot better.


(and no, I did not actually cut an Olmak. The wonders of Photoshop.)

Good, the punishment would've been death.

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That looks a lot better.


(and no, I did not actually cut an Olmak. The wonders of Photoshop.)

Good, the punishment would've been death.

For any of the older masks, maybe. An Olmak? Maybe public flogging, but not death.

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That looks a lot better.


(and no, I did not actually cut an Olmak. The wonders of Photoshop.)

Good, the punishment would've been death.

For any of the older masks, maybe. An Olmak? Maybe public flogging, but not death.

Not even public flogging. The Olmak is a terrible mask, full of ugly and huge.


It is terrible.


Also, Mata Nui should be gold, and I am sad that he isn't. We should make sure that whoever reviews him for the frontpage mentions that once every three sentences.

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Ok, I take back my last comment about not being sure if gold would look good over yellow. I love it. It would totally own if it were like this.


But, would the Inika legs be yellow or gold? I'm thinking gold would be cool, but it might be too much gold since there's so little throughout the rest of the body. Maybe if the legs were yellow and the feet were gold as well as the ankle coverings it might look better?


Awesome as always, ToM.



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When I saw this on Brickshelf I freaked out.

The designs on this are so simple and effective. The editing is superb, and the colors are.. are... win? Nice proportions as well. Mind if I steal your mind?



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Actually, I think he looks better with the KKII armor on his shin. But of course TLC would never do that. And I would change the feet.

If they did, at least they would make it actually yellow-gold. Even in this pic that "copper" color doesn't match.

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That looks a lot better.


(and no, I did not actually cut an Olmak. The wonders of Photoshop.)

Good, the punishment would've been death.

For any of the older masks, maybe. An Olmak? Maybe public flogging, but not death.

Hmm, you're right.

Now if it was a sterling silver krana he cut...

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"A larger-scale version of the Mata Nui model will be released as a store exclusive."

~PlanetPerson's latest "Farshtey Feed"

My hopes are with that, though, I fear the worse...


Mata Nui needs to be Gold... *sigh*



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That looks a lot better.


(and no, I did not actually cut an Olmak. The wonders of Photoshop.)

Good, the punishment would've been death.

For any of the older masks, maybe. An Olmak? Maybe public flogging, but not death.

Hmm, you're right.

Now if it was a sterling silver krana he cut...

That would only be acceptable if he did it with his bare hands, because that would be manly as all Karzahni.

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