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Bzp's Worth $42537!



February 21, 2009

One of my friends showed me this really neat website that shows you how much a website is "worth". According to the site, BZP's worth is:

bzpower.com Estimated Worth $42537.1 USD
xD Now that's awesome.


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cool so we can sell it and give each member a $1 and some B)

Orr we could give me 42537. :D


Interesting. The number of members is similar: 42051



~Terakk ;)

Yeah. I think the price is based on revenue, so it makes sense that it's close in user number.


No it's only worth $42537. Paying that extra ten cents is such a ripoff.

Well, we'd be ripping someone else off, so, y'know, I'm sure we wouldn't mind the other ten cents. :lol:


wow if we sold this bzpower and made a new and better bzpower that would be awesome

Depending on who you sold it to...


You probably shouldn't have posted this. Now we admins might just sell it, take our cut of the profits, and run!

Oh, shoot. I killed BZP. :P


I checked, and apparently it's worth $27980.9 now.


Considering Bionicle.com is worth $2598.8...

Economy? O.o Wow, I can't believe it went down that much since...erm...this morning.


Sorry, B6. Should've sold it earlier. :]


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