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Just A Word About The Recent Hackings



I am, personally, a recipient of 2 of these nasty PMs going around, and just wanted to warn you. Here's a couple tips on how to avoid them:

  1. I've noticed that both senders of those PMs had bad grammar, capitalization, and spelling. Don't open a message with any/all of these mistakes, especially if you know that member not to make those mistakes.
  2. Really, don't open a message you're not interested in. I'd rather not open a message than risk seeing those horrible pictures again.
  3. Try to avoid PMs from people you've never heard of. Unless you're really interested in it.
  4. If you get a message from a non-staff member saying +/- PE, DO NOT OPEN IT.
And if you have already gotten one, try this to figure out whether or not the member's account was hacked:
  1. Click 'reply'
  2. Copy the image's web address
  3. Paste it in a new window
  4. Then, go to the member's profile
  5. Click on a link to a picture in one of the member's topics
  6. If the two image hosting sites match up, it's most likely not a hacker. If they don't, it most likely is.

For more help, read some of the comments.


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Thank you. :) After receiving one of these nasty PMs yself this morning, I was going to put something like this up. I will simply point people this way.

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I got all of the above, except for the ghastly imguries...I just got the pornogroahic and the finanical threat. Also, Omi, trust me. You DON'T want to receive the image. Trust me, you don't.

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I got one of the injuries, but just deleted it right away and blocked the guy. It didn't even have any words, but just a title of "Hi" and the picture when you open it up. I would've just deleted it, but it didn't show up in my messenger. >.<

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I just got the financial threat, didn't get any last year.


This has become quite the annual thing, hasn't it?




I think it's banned members that are bitter or something. Or just still trollin'.

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All the wonderful variations I'm hearing sure make it sound like a bot.

Leet here, bad grammar there, proper english here... ...then it's bad image here, gory image there, financial threat here, account threat there, commie declaration here...


So varied.


Oh, and I too feel left out.

Really, I've been on the internet too long to see anything that gets to me anymore.


I take that back. A couple months ago I saw a vid of a jar sitting on a floor and...






...wait, what was the topic about again? :huh:

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I got one telling me that BZP was communist.

BZP is far from that.

This has become quite the annual thing, hasn't it?


All the wonderful variations I'm hearing sure make it sound like a bot.

They aren't bots.



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I know it isn't, Omi. :P


Another tip: I got the disturbing image one, but didn't open it because the cool dude who sent it titled it "-Proto". They were not staff, and so could not take PE away from my account. If you recieve a message from a non-staff member saying that you hjave either lost or gained PE, DO NOT OPEN IT.

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I got one from a member whose name had been changed to Hapori Tohu titled "Tohu is displeased" (with a disturbing image, of course). You might want to add not to open anything like that, because as far as I'm aware, Tohu doesn't PM people.

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I got one from a member whose name had been changed to Hapori Tohu titled "Tohu is displeased" (with a disturbing image, of course). You might want to add not to open anything like that, because as far as I'm aware, Tohu doesn't PM people.

Take notice of the staff member name before you open the message. These fake accounts cannot be named the same thing as an actual staff member, so look for extra spaces, etc. For instance, there was a fake Than whose name was "Than : Matoran of Anger." Notice the space after Than and before the colon

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I got one of these a while back from a member whose username was "Black Six", but trust me-- it wasn't B6. :uhuh: The reason i opened it was because I thought that it was actually B6 and it read "BZPower Staff Consideration".


It was a collage of gory and pornographic images, all of them extremely terrifying. :fear:


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Good job doing this! :)


If you get a PM from a staff member, always click his profile before reading the message. If you see it is a fraud, delete the PM and report it immediately to Black Six.


~Gata. ;)

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