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Pleasantly Surprised



It's still occurring. Wow.


I went to bed at 3 AM this morning, expecting to have to wake up at 7, all tired and drowsy, barely ready for my 8 AM class. Well, I get a text message at 5:50 AM (my phone is turned up to the highest volume so I can hear my alarm go off. I don't put it at "no ring except for alarm" as I'm afraid it'll be too soft) saying that all classes are canceled due to snow!!! So excited, I immediately turn my phone off, and then hand my roommate's phone to him (waking him up) and tell him to do the same. We woke up at around noon. (So I went from 4 expected hours of sleep to 8. Nice.)


It's about an inch and a half probably, nothing compared to what I have back at home (9-10 inches apparently), but considering we supposedly never get snow here in Newport News, and a snow day being less likely, this is a very pleasant surprise. (I hear Richmond has 6 inches or so and JMU has even more. I have a feeling the whole state of Virginia is whited out right now.)


So what am I doing? Well, some of us had a minor snowball fight, but that didn't last long because this stuff is cold! (Who knew?!) I don't have gloves.... But now I'm "doing homework," such as revising and finishing a paper. Oh, and if I can figure out if Irfan View or Gimp can make wallpapers easily I might have a cool news report for y'all. If not, then it'll be mediocre. Hey look a news report.


-CF :kakama:

(For some reason my friend isn't letting me borrow her camera...because she found out I wanted to take Lego pix with it. Wow, I've never had a "friend"* that has been intolerant of my hobby before. I should be able to use another friend's camera though. Luckily I borrowed another friend's** camera and have an awesome MOC to show you soon.)

*Not that we get perfectly along anyway...

**A very good friend I wish I hung out with more...


Quote of the Day: "I feel all warm and fuzzy inside; like I just swallowed a kitten."


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Quote of the Day: "I feel all warm and fuzzy inside; like I just swallowed a kitten."


Be careful of the hairballs.

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Meesa gotsa snow here too!


And thatsa reaaly good news report Mista Chocofrog!




-=< :s: >=-

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I wake up and find snow, and then proceed to my midterm as usual. *is jealous*




Yeah, but you probably get snow a few times each year, and every year at that. This is probably all I'll get my four years here.

*is jealous of you*




We get enough snow per year that the city can handle a small storm, so things don't usually close down when we get it. We also don't get that much snow... the exception being last December, but the storm hit while school was out. The audacity!!

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That girl is FAIL.


I hope you find a new one.


Wait, what?! I think you misunderstood me...

Please confirm soon other wise I'm going to worry!!!



sorry, I was talking about two different things. The girl:

(For some reason my friend isn't letting me borrow her camera...because she found out I wanted to take Lego pix with it. Wow, I've never had a "friend"* that has been intolerant of my hobby before...)


I was basically just saying that isn't cool that she won't let you borrow her camera just because you're taking LEGO pictures with it.


The 'hope you find a new one' I was referring to a camera. :lol:


I should be able to use another friend's camera though.


Sorry 'bout that. :P




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Weather's been crazy this year. Yesterday morning we had hail coming down... except they were encapsulated in a fluffy shell of snowflakes... looked like eggs from a "beginning of life" documentary.


Then last night, it got down a degree or two below zero.

Now? It's 60 degrees.


What? Crazy, crazy...


Yeah, it's supposed to be above 60 degrees by Saturday. (Which is perfectly fine for March.)


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