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I Need Stronius' Club



For an Onu Matoran MOC I'm working on for Exo Fat's RPG. He entered it in the contest and I NEED IT TO WIN.

Anyway, in this RPG Onu Matoran are short, hunch backed, and blind. And angry. And awesome. I managed to make a five fingered hand (with the exo force arms) that doesn't look bad. It wouldn't work with many other MOCs though.

I used Onua Mistika's mask, in case you're wondering. I like the neck shields. They make sense for mining.

But that club... I need a disproportionate club...



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The Onu Matoran sound like Toph. I thought you cured your obsession?

No, Toph is still awesome.


This character will be a mix of Toph and Wrex from Mass Effect. And that is an awesome combination.


Which Onua Mistika mask?


I'm sure you'll figure out the club thing. You're a good MOCist.



Black. You know I don't like using silver. :P


I'll prolly just say "and he has a club like stronius kk"



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Guest kopakanuva13


Combine two Gali Nuva axes with a Toa Nuju tool. Hey presto! A club. ^_^

Or just use some System pieces, preferably with the Knight's Kingdom mace =P


By the way. Start an "I Need Stronius' Club" Club =DD

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Also very lumpy and sharp.


I think I've made a half decent club slash cannon. We shall see.



Listen I made one.

It's awesome.


Follow my instuctions.


Take Vorahk's staff peice, the claw and then take two Hewkii Mahri thighs.

Stick two 3 long + pins an the holes and slid that between the teeth of the Vorahk claw.

To finish add the other thigh to the first and you got yourself a club ;).

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Also very lumpy and sharp.


I think I've made a half decent club slash cannon. We shall see.



Listen I made one.

It's awesome.


Follow my instuctions.


Take Vorahk's staff peice, the claw and then take two Hewkii Mahri thighs.

Stick two 3 long + pins an the holes and slid that between the teeth of the Vorahk claw.

To finish add the other thigh to the first and you got yourself a club ;) .

You lost me at the first mention of a silver piece.



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Also very lumpy and sharp.


I think I've made a half decent club slash cannon. We shall see.



Listen I made one.

It's awesome.


Follow my instuctions.


Take Vorahk's staff peice, the claw and then take two Hewkii Mahri thighs.

Stick two 3 long + pins an the holes and slid that between the teeth of the Vorahk claw.

To finish add the other thigh to the first and you got yourself a club ;).

That's more of a mace. I'm not as averse to silver pieces as Bunda, but nevertheless I find it's hard to make a club out of any pieces currently extant-- at least, hard to make a club with a BIONICLE feel. Current BIONICLE weapons just aren't chunky enough.

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