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Six-shaded Chimoru Is. . . Considerably Done

Nathan Evo


Yup, I've. . . considerably come to a point where I can upload my latest Chimoru revamp onto majhost. This is here so you can download it in case Dark709 doesn't add it to the front page.


Quick secret: I thought up of this when I did the tri-shade Chimoru and thought "What would be overdoing it?" So I made the idle pose for the Matoran and this happened.


Use as you like and give credit where credit's due.


Update 3/4/09: I've PMed the whole thing to Dark. Now I'm waiting for approval. If he approves, I'll be able to revamp his expressions. Next update in the meantime is the alternate green-and-lime Matoran color schemes.


Update 3/9/09: I have permission from Dark to revamp the expressions. They will come in next update along with some new masks. For now, the next update is the original green color scheme on Matoran and Metruan bodies as well as some installments by Philbert and VTK.


Update 3/20/09: The expressions are finished, as well as new masks. I've also corrected Gatotak's name mispronouncication.


Update 3/29/09: Since I did them in the three-shade kit, I have been at war with these sprites. They are proof Dark did not "whip these up in at most a week". They were a brutal pain to make in the three shade kit and they were a pain to make now. The full Toa Nuva spritesheet is now finished. In addition, a new fan-made mask spinny is up.


Update 4/19/09: After a large hiatus, I have decided that the next update involves "Chickmoru", Mercenus' (right?) female Matoran spritesheet. Also, now, you can find the new walking poses for Chickmoru as well as my 360 Kakama Nuva and Akaku in two-shade. You can also find the original Chimoru colors in six-shade. I'm working on some comics I need a six-shade Rahkshi on, so it'll be next.


Update 4/26/09: I recently recieved a PM from Mercenus telling me not to use anything of his due to the leak of Chimoru 2.0, but since I don't have it he said I could continue with what I was doing, which means the movie-style Makuta Teridax could be next. Additionally, the six-shade Rahkshi and Vahki are done. Also, a two-shade non-Gimplifried kraata has been added to the bonus section. Can't believe I didn't post the little guy earlier. I have him in three-shade as well, so I got him from there. Right now, I need to work on Dark's new uber-colorful Matoran spritesheet. It'll be a long, tough battle...


Update ?/??/09: The new Matoran spritesheet is done.


Update 5/6/09: Version 2.0 of the six-shade kit is up. This one is a lot bigger than the last one. Not to be confused with Mercenus's Chimoru 2.0, which I won't be doing for a long, long time. For now, just settle for VTK's Mctoran, Chimoru Alpha, and two versions of Mata Nui.


Update 5/22/09: The Toa Inika and Matoran spinnies are up. I can't think of anything obnoxious or witty to say this time, so the Bohrok are next.




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Looks very nice.


I don't think six-shades would be over-doing it. Someone actually did a ten-shade Chimoru. Now THAT would be overdoing it. :P


And I completely understand that you couldn't do the Toa. I'd pull my hair out in frustration if I had to do that as well.



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Now I can do the Matoran spritesheets for 2.0. Also, I know about the Huna. I didn't have a spinny in the beginning and I barely knew enough of Paint to make a comic, so I went to D-Shadow's Mask Mart shop and asked for one. Before someone made it, I found Desertdan2's Toa Metru kit. The spinny was pretty good, but I didn't really like the front pose. Then D-Shadow completed my request. I wasn't satisfied with the side pose, but the front was really good. Lucky for me, I was skilled enough back then to switch the Huna to a Mata head. So:


Front= D-Shadow

Standard angle= Dark709 (duh)

Rest of spinny= Desertdan2

Head switch to Mata= Me

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Wow. That looks wonderful.


But you know, if you really want to make Chimoru better, you might want to fix some problems with the original design, like this:



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Bravo, Gerlicky. You have conquered the difficult! Plus, it is quite shiny. :drooling:


Philbert: Well if he did that, he would need to redo the entire thing! Besides, what's the point in changing the neck part? No one's actually supposed to see it anyway. :mellow:

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Besides, what's the point in changing the neck part? No one's actually supposed to see it anyway. :mellow:
And do you think people want to see some weird square neck in the middle of a gruesome decapitation scene? :P
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Blade: Actually, I think it was originally meant to show the neck. No one that I know of does it (though Dark might)


Philbert: That wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe on another day, though. And usually, if I ever have a "gruesome decapitation scene", I'll just chop the neck off entirely.

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Here, I edited some of the masks and the main Matoran spritesheet.

Great, but I'm actually trying to keep it like the original Chimoru. On top of that, the diagonal feet on the Matoran look kind of. . . blocky. Regardless, it might go somewhere else in the kit.


By the way, the reason the Matatu is dark gray is because I wanted to use the same head color, but it's the same color as the mask, so I made it like Kopeke's.


Expect an update soon.

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Unbelievable! I can't believe it! Turaga Dlakii posted here without complaining! I am flabbergasted! Really! It's quite an honor! :bigeek:


Update time. See entry for details.

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Unbelievable! I can't believe it! Turaga Dlakii posted here without complaining! I am flabbergasted! Really! It's quite an honor! :bigeek:


Update time. See entry for details.


Now be honoured just a bit more; I'm doing so again. :P


But yeah, that, not unlike your trishade Cheesemore, actually looks very nice all up.

(For the record, I'm kinda over the Cheesmore/Dark hate nowadays; it's still horrible, but it's not as if I truly consider it to be kryptonite anymore. But I'm still calling it "Cheesemore", for the lulz. :P)

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Now be honoured just a bit more; I'm doing so again. :P


But yeah, that, not unlike your trishade Cheesemore, actually looks very nice all up.

(For the record, I'm kinda over the Cheesmore/Dark hate nowadays; it's still horrible, but it's not as if I truly consider it to be kryptonite anymore. But I'm still calling it "Cheesemore", for the lulz. :P)

It's a world record!


To be honest, I think doing the tri-shade wasn't really living up to its name. It was "Project Chimoru Revamp". This would be better, along with Philbert's.


It's not horrible... it's just horrible to you. And you missed an "E" in the first "Cheesemore" in the small print. :P


Update time. Of course, I updated it the other day but I was watching TV at the same time.

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Dlakii, the word "Chimoru" is highly similar to the mythological creature called the Chimera. If you anger it, it may decide to bite your head off.
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Dlakii, the word "Chimoru" is highly similar to the mythological creature called the Chimera. If you anger it, it may decide to bite your head off.



It's not funny Dlakii. I must say that six shade is to die for! I can't wait for a whole Toa sheet!



Glad to see you like it! I'm excited about doing some of your stuff here. That is, if I finish the full Toa sheet. It's a big thorn in my side here and it'll probably take forever to do, but it'll probably be worth the wait.


And I actually might not do the Toa Metru sheet, as that's what turned me off the three-shade kit.

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Unbelievable! I can't believe it! Turaga Dlakii posted here without complaining! I am flabbergasted! Really! It's quite an honor! :bigeek:


Update time. See entry for details.


Now be honoured just a bit more; I'm doing so again. :P


But yeah, that, not unlike your trishade Cheesemore, actually looks very nice all up.

(For the record, I'm kinda over the Cheesmore/Dark hate nowadays; it's still horrible, but it's not as if I truly consider it to be kryptonite anymore. But I'm still calling it "Cheesemore", for the lulz. :P )

Still, "Cheesemore" is obnoxious. Chimorrible, perhaps? Or maybe Chimorugly?
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Unbelievable! I can't believe it! Turaga Dlakii posted here without complaining! I am flabbergasted! Really! It's quite an honor! :bigeek:


Update time. See entry for details.


Now be honoured just a bit more; I'm doing so again. :P


But yeah, that, not unlike your trishade Cheesemore, actually looks very nice all up.

(For the record, I'm kinda over the Cheesmore/Dark hate nowadays; it's still horrible, but it's not as if I truly consider it to be kryptonite anymore. But I'm still calling it "Cheesemore", for the lulz. :P )

Still, "Cheesemore" is obnoxious. Chimorrible, perhaps? Or maybe Chimorugly?

Cheese=Chimouru More=Omega. I am surprised that chimouru could look so good too, but I will make Razor look better first!

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Still, "Cheesemore" is obnoxious. Chimorrible, perhaps? Or maybe Chimorugly?

Cheese=Chimouru More=Omega. I am surprised that chimouru could look so good too, but I will make Razor look better first!

Cheese=Chi- More=-moru


Well, if you're trying to compete with me, you lost early on.


Next update is up.

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