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Weekly Update - 3/6

Black Six



Seriously, it's been a week already? You guys get an early update this week since I'll be busy this afternoon (Watchmen!) and tonight.



Unfortunately we've recently had several members abusing the PM system to send out inappropriate images and content to BZPower members. Please read this topic about what to do if you receive a suspicious PM. It's likely that these members had their accounts hacked by a malicious individual. We're doing what we can to prevent this from happening and in the meantime urge you to make sure you have a strong password. Microsoft has some good guidelines for this, and also a place where you can check to see how strong it is. If you receive an inappropriate PM, forward it to myself, Tufi Piyufi, or another staff member so we can take care of the issue.


As a result of dealing with the above, there hasn't been much time to work on other projects, but don't worry, they're still coming. We also have at least one more review to be posted soon, with hopefully a couple more on the way.


Finally, as a personal plug, go check out the Bionicle RPG Forum RPG Contest #13. There's still plenty of time to write an entry and submit it, so go check it out!



1) How do you feel when you deduct Proto? Powerful, or Unhappy?

2) What is your favorite BIONICLE set?

3) How much time do you spend on BZP per day, average?

1) In a perfect world everyone on BZPower would be well-behaved and we wouldn't need any rules or staff. I'd like to think we strive for that, so when someone does something that warrants a Proto deduction they're pulling us further away from our ideal state, and that's not cool.

2) Tahu Mata, because I'm old school like that.

3) Too much, usually at least 2 hours, sometimes more like 2^3 or more hours.


The bio on your blog says you became a staff member four days after you joined the forum. How is that possible?

When I joined the only staff member was Dimensioneer. Shortly afterward, he promoted Lego Mecha as the first Moderator. Since I had experience running a small Bionicle community before (and during, until BZC dwarfed it) being a member of BZCommunity, I offered my services to Dimensioneer as a second Moderator. He accepted, so now I'm the second longest-running staff member after big-D.


1) If Iron Man and the Master Chief fought, who would win?


2) Which is your favorite Barraki?


3) How do you randomly choose the member interviewees?

1) Hmm. Iron Man has lots of cool technology and can fly, but the Master Chief has recharging shields and plenty of his own tricks. I think if Iron Man didn't just fly away, Master Chief is probably stronger and has a higher endurance and would win.

2) Pridak, maybe.

3) Randomly. I use Excel to generate a random number from 1 to however many entries there are and then count down through the entries to that number.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And with that I leave you for today. I hope you enjoyed it and, as always, questions, comments, and feedback are appreciated.


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That was early this time! Will you be busy tonight because of what we are waiting for? ;)


~Gata. ;)

You would like that, wouldn't you? We shall see.

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Hmmm... Well, I got one of those suspicious messages, but I saw that the member sending them was already banned. Do I still need to report it? I've already deleted it.



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Wow, that's a really cool way to find the random result. I did not know you could use Excel for that.


All I ever used Excel for was to hide a flash game on the school server >.>

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That was early this time! Will you be busy tonight because of what we are waiting for? ;)


~Gata. ;)

You would like that, wouldn't you? We shall see.

Yes we shall.


Yes we shall.



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So you asked D and got promoted. Takes a little bit away from the awesomeness of being promoted, if you ask me. :P

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Hmmm... Well, I got one of those suspicious messages, but I saw that the member sending them was already banned. Do I still need to report it? I've already deleted it.



If the member is banned then it's been taken care of and there's no need to report it.


Ooh, Imax will be nice. :) I'm seeing it on IMAX this Saturday. :)



IMAX was amazing. I hope you enjoy.


Have you seen the new Star Trek trailer? If so, did you like it? :)

Of course I have. I think it'll be the final nail in the coffin of Star Trek, but I'll still probably see it in theaters.


So you asked D and got promoted. Takes a little bit away from the awesomeness of being promoted, if you ask me. :P

Take into consideration that there were less than one hundred members on the site at the time, probably more like forty. None of us knew it would one day turn into this.

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That was early this time! Will you be busy tonight because of what we are waiting for? ;)


~Gata. ;)

You would like that, wouldn't you? We shall see.

And as I see, you weren´t. :mellow: Well, patience is a virtue...


~Gata. ;)

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Have you seen the new Star Trek trailer? If so, did you like it? :)

Of course I have. I think it'll be the final nail in the coffin of Star Trek, but I'll still probably see it in theaters.

I can only hope the movie will be good. Dx

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Owners aren't usually considered staff; staff are the people they hire. That would make you the longest-running staff member. ^_^


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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Hmmm... Well, I got one of those suspicious messages, but I saw that the member sending them was already banned. Do I still need to report it? I've already deleted it.



If the member is banned then it's been taken care of and there's no need to report it.

That's what I thought. (hence my deleting it and not reporting it) Thanks. :)



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