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Black Six


So this past Friday I saw Watchmen with some former coworkers at an IMAX theater. I even managed to get some decent seats, despite some unthoughtful people that didn't like the idea of me saving them for my friends. And let me say, seeing any movie on IMAX is an amazing experience, especially when the movie you're seeing is as good as Watchmen.


Now, before I continue, this movie is rated 'R' for 'Restricted,' and it is completely deserving of this rating. There is a lot of graphic content, both violence and sexual, so I don't suggest anyone below the legal age sees it, even if your parents are willing to take you.


With that out of the way, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. I'm not a huge Watchmen fan or comic fan in general, but I was interested enough that I did read the graphic novel. I thought it was well adapted to the screen, and for the most part understood the changes and omissions. I did think the pacing was a little too fast as a result, but then again people wouldn't want to sit through a four hour movie.


The story, for the unfamiliar, revolves around a group over superheroes in 1985. Earlier, they had been part of a group called the Watchmen, but disbanded when 'masked vigilantism' was made illegal and most of them retired. When one of them is mysteriously killed, the events of the movie are set into motion. Also, this is all happening at the height of the Cold War where actual nuclear war seems imminent. Tensions are high, the world is about to end, and no one seems to know how to stop it. I'd call the story more of a mystery than an action story, which is part of why the movie is so long, there's a long of talking and explaining going on. There's even more that was left out, that just adds to the layers of the story and make it even deeper and more immersive.


The cinematography was pretty incredible as well. The shots really looked like they came right out of the comic, and I could practically see the frames of familiar scenes that I had read. All the costumes and special effects were great and really sucked you in. The actors for Rorschach and Nite Owl II were spot on, closely followed by Dr. Manhattan. Silk Spectre II and The Comedian were pretty good as well, although something about Ozymandias made me feel like something was missing. The other supporting characters did their jobs well too.


The movie was filled with many 1980s pop culture references that will probably be well accepted by the target audience, and which I definitely thought were a nice touch. The original score was good and fit well, but I personally thought the soundtrack, featuring the likes of Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix (performing a Bob Dylan song), My Chemical Romance (ditto), Leonard Cohen, Nat King Cole, Simon & Garfunkel, Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday, Philip Glass (a personal favorite), and more were amazing choices. Individually they were all great songs, and most fit their scenes well, but a couple stuck out as odd choices. That's ok though, because I was enjoying the good taste in music too much to really care.


So all in all, I'd definitely recommend Watchmen, if you're old enough to handle the mature content. It's a great movie and a good adaptation, and I'm sure it will be doing well at the box office for a while to come.


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Missing? I dunno, I quite liked it, especially the switching between German and American accents.


And yes, there is mature content. They double carded me, which was a first ._.


I was disappointed in the My Chemical Romance song, but aside from that, the entire soundtrack was <3.

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It was an awesome movie, wasn't it? For the legal age such, I believe that more for one's maturity level, rather than actual age, but that's me just poorly defending myself since I watched the movie a few hours ago =P


I do agree that it was pretty graphic in all senses, but I've seen worse when it comes to the violence factor, but that's about it. I didn't read the graphic novel or the comics or anything, but I think that the movie did a good job of illustrating the events as well as the storyline so that even people who have no idea what it was were able to watch it and understand it.


Great movie, though I didn't see it on IMAX.

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Would the graphic novel be appropriate for younger readers, or is it pretty much at the same level as the movie?
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Would the graphic novel be appropriate for younger readers, or is it pretty much at the same level as the movie?

It's pretty much the same. The imagery isn't as extreme, but the same themes are still there.

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The only people I can go with is my parents, and we certainly don't want that. :P


I'm too young to go with friends.. Guess I'll just wait another 4 years and get the DVD if it's still there. :P

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The "legal" age to see it in Finland is 15. It's what, 17 in America? I'm not sure which is better -- like Rakaru said, it's more the viewer's maturity level than chronological age that counts.


It's been years since I read the graphic novel. I may reread it now, having seen the movie.


Best comic book-to-film adaptation to date, IMHO.



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I agree that it's more the personal maturity level of the individual, but there's no easy way to measure that. As a result, I'll stand by and support the government rating system and encourage others to abide by it.

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The last person I would want to see Watchmen with is my mother...

That's actually what I told my mum when I got back from the movie.

It was definately a great movie.

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Since I've already determined that this is perhaps one of the best movies we'll get this year, I'm content to wait for the subtitled DVD release and get to reading the novel until then. My friend made me promise him to read the novel first because it should heighten the experience (and I believe it), so I'm in no hurry. It sounds awesome, though!
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Hm, it's more of a political war and murder mystery rather than a superhero movie. Though it was great nonetheless.


Also, I wish they had made a movie about the Minutemen. :P (For anyone wondering, the Watchmen mentioned in the movie are known as the Crimebusters, while there were ones before them, known as the Minutemen.)



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I'll be seeing it with friends. Mother will take us to the thing, make sure we don't get kicked out and then we're set to watch. ^_^

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I saw it with friends, and I agree, it was one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm lucky to be over the legal age in America for R-rated movies--I'm 19. :) Nite Owl II's my favorite, as you can probably tell from my banner.


:miru: Lewa0111 :miru:

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Very good movie. Highly graphic for my tastes, but it was so awesome that I almost didn't notice. Didn't get to see it in IMAX, but maybe if I get to see it again I'll be able to.
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