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Billy Mays Facts



Under Billy Mays' beard, there is just another set of vocal cords.


Billy Mays once screamed so loud, the soundwaves broke the speed of light, went back in time, and killed Amelia Earhart.


Billy Mays can order a Whopper at McDonalds, but only because he yells so loud that the employees run across the street to Burger King and buy one for him.


Billy Mays is payed by the decibel. He makes millions.


Billy Mays has never actually had to use Oxy-Clean; he just yells at the stain, and it will disintegrate. Along with the shirt.




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In Soviet Russia, Billy Mays buys from you?

No it would be something like "In Soviet Russia, Billy Mays still screams at you."

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Billy Mays - not the mutant Lohrak - was the one to create the Sonic Entity.


Power Scream Rahkshi don't have a Kraata inside them. Just Billy Mays.

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Billy mays screamed so loud that the server ran and hid. It took the admins six days to convince it to come out of hiding.

The energy storm in karda nui was made when Billy Mays ate a battery and then screamed.

Teridax sent Mata Nui into space by holding the ignika in front of Billy Mays while he screamed.
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Billy mays screamed so loud that the server ran and hid. It took the admins six days to convince it to come out of hiding.

The energy storm in karda nui was made when Billy Mays ate a battery and then screamed.

Teridax sent Mata Nui into space by holding the ignika in front of Billy Mays while he screamed.
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I guess I brought this upon myself.


I'll go make the official blog entry, complete with all of these and more.

Though I won't put the BIONICLE-related ones.

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