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Nice one taka! :D


If I could draw good, I would so use it.


Thanks... but you can also try it without being an artist ;)


Nice tutorial!

I've tried that tecnique before, but I can never get the lines perfectly like yours.


You wouldn't want to know what my first tries with that technique looked like :lol:


Awesome Tutorial

But, the way she holds the blaster seems a little weird

Should look into that..


Sheesh... I'm bad at drawing hands, and anything that has to do with them or weapons. Sad, but true.

Yet thanks for you mentioning it. :)

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this makes me want to do a tutorial.

you really added to the detail taka, usually your known for simplicity when drawing :P





i as well usually start with the stickman like figure. but my tecnique is making the armour first,the way you started it, is much more like a human. yours seems like it would make posability and jestures n' such alot easyer, i'll try your way and see if it works out better then my original for me. :P


also, you might want to keep in mind that some things can be very hard for people, such as creating flowing lines and, even for me, making good textured eyes n' such.


is it possable to touch on the "expressions" subject a bit, especailly for those who are making comedy pencil comics and suck at drawing detailed eyes?






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Helpful! It's nice to see you use the stickman process. I have actually been having trouble with it lately...do you ever have that issue when placing the body over the skeleton that it ends up looking too thin or not as accurate as it should be, regardless of following correct proportion methods? I've been fooling around with different methods so I just was wondering if anyone else had this problem---or if I'm making any sense at all. :P
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this makes me want to do a tutorial.

you really added to the detail taka, usually your known for simplicity when drawing :P





i as well usually start with the stickman like figure. but my tecnique is making the armour first,the way you started it, is much more like a human. yours seems like it would make posability and jestures n' such alot easyer, i'll try your way and see if it works out better then my original for me. :P


also, you might want to keep in mind that some things can be very hard for people, such as creating flowing lines and, even for me, making good textured eyes n' such.


is it possable to touch on the "expressions" subject a bit, especailly for those who are making comedy pencil comics and suck at drawing detailed eyes?






I am? :???: ah well. ^^

I'd love to see a tutoril done by you.


I do it that way because I do base my Bionicle drawings on the (human) shape.


Yeppa. I know that. I still remember sitting in front of my 4-pic tutorial book and wondering how they do it. But that was only 3 or 4 months ago. I've experienced that sometimes it's better to do many lines and then simply erase out those which don't look right. :)


Sure, it'll be the next tutorial, and -hopefully- be done this week (holidays, yay!)


Helpful! It's nice to see you use the stickman process. I have actually been having trouble with it lately...do you ever have that issue when placing the body over the skeleton that it ends up looking too thin or not as accurate as it should be, regardless of following correct proportion methods? I've been fooling around with different methods so I just was wondering if anyone else had this problem---or if I'm making any sense at all. :P


Helpful? Thanks! :happydance:


Sure, it happens to me often. Usually the torsos come out looking completely weird...

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Awesome Tutorial

But, the way she holds the blaster seems a little weird

Should look into that..

Sheesh... I'm bad at drawing hands, and anything that has to do with them or weapons. Sad, but true.

Yet thanks for you mentioning it. :)

No prob, Im always up for helping out a fellow artist!

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