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Hating Bands.

Angel Beat


Man, hating bands is such a waste of time and energy. Not to mention it's really upsetting, especially when people are trashing and bashing a band you really like. <.< Oh, and that time and energy is better spent in more important things, like immersing yourself in more of your favorite music (or homework, even).


If you don't like a band, that's fine, but don't go around badmouthing them every chance you get. Really, it says a lot more about you than it says about the band you're bashing. To put it bluntly, it makes you look like an inconsiderate fool.


Besides, if you don't like a band and I do (and vice versa), it's just a matter of opinion and taste. Trying to prove each other wrong in this regard seems pointless to me. I think it only serves to negatively influence each other's tastes.


The reason I'm bringing this up, is that I've been feeling (and reading) an increase in hatred to bands and artists etc. Every time I read it, it makes me cringe. >_<; Sometimes, I also feel like slapping the person with a big fish.



And in the end, does it really matter?





That all being said, I'm a proud fan of Linkin Park. :D


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I can't STAND this! It's so pointless and hurtful. I mean geez, yeah you don't like this artist. Okay, that's fine. So stop bringing it up and making me feel awkward for no good reason. :/ Who said their opinion makes them right? Seriously, it's so annoying and just...more annoying. And this can be said with other stuff too. *facepalm*


Linkin Park ftw. :D

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I agree. Really music is almost entirely subjective-- you can't criticize any aspect of it as if it were objectively bad. You can, of course, rank music in your order of preference, but it's ridiculous to try to force that ranking upon others by badmouthing their own preferred artists or genres.

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*sigh* I wish so badly that I could print this out and put it on several of my friends doors. They gave me so much guff for stating that I like Sting's music after The Police broke up. According to them, it's such an horrible abomination that you're not even allowed to mention it in public.

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I never go out of my way to say I dislike some sort of music, and I certainly don't bash any particular type (ok, maybe rap :P). I definitely won't make fun of you for listening to any type of music, either.


That said, I don't like Linkin Park.

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I can't STAND this! It's so pointless and hurtful. I mean geez, yeah you don't like this artist. Okay, that's fine. So stop bringing it up and making me feel awkward for no good reason. :/ Who said their opinion makes them right? Seriously, it's so annoying and just...more annoying. And this can be said with other stuff too. *facepalm*


Linkin Park ftw. :D

Yup, I know how ya feel. =]


I agree. Really music is almost entirely subjective-- you can't criticize any aspect of it as if it were objectively bad. You can, of course, rank music in your order of preference, but it's ridiculous to try to force that ranking upon others by badmouthing their own preferred artists or genres.

Exactly, I just wish certain people would read this.


I had a long and convoluted reply to the above three comments ready to post(okay, no I didn't, I'm lying), but this is easier and more amusing.



Lol yeah...

Certain words used in certain situations can make certain people feel bad.


It's easier to just ignore them, or if you're on an advanced forum, just block their posts. :D

It just gets too annoying after a while. xD


*sigh* I wish so badly that I could print this out and put it on several of my friends doors. They gave me so much guff for stating that I like Sting's music after The Police broke up. According to them, it's such an horrible abomination that you're not even allowed to mention it in public.

I think you can print it out. ^^; But yeah, it annoys me that people seem to think that their opinion is fact.


Pfffft, how else will we elitists find ways to feel superior?

By being creative? xD


Pfffft, how else will we elitists find ways to feel superior?

By existing?

That's a way, lol.


I never go out of my way to say I dislike some sort of music, and I certainly don't bash any particular type (ok, maybe rap :P). I definitely won't make fun of you for listening to any type of music, either.


That said, I don't like Linkin Park.

That's the spirit (aside from the rap bashing xD).


Watto, you said the Boat song was awesome, yet you dislike rap? Ooooh! Fanny Doodle! :P



Lol xP

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There is something else though that is just as bad. Trying to convert people to like the band you like just because you like them.

"I like soandso."

"Well I don't like em."

"Why? They are blahblahblahblah awesome!"

"I still don't like em."

"But blahblahblah!"


That's why I resort to neither of tese two patterns in behaviour ^^At least, I try to -.-

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