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The Tuesday Five 10/24/06



Been a while. :blink:

If blue wasn't the color for female Bionicle-beings, what should be the color--red, green, brown, white, or black?

What's your favorite season?

When do you eat breakfast on Saturdays (I usually forget and end up eating around 2. :P)

What kind of mouse do you use--optical, wireless, normal, or any combination of the three?

EDIT: Whoops discussion of banned members prohibited. Uh.... Do you enjoy sprite comics?


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  • Green, the favorite color of my mother and my sister-in-law.
  • Winter
  • 11:30 when I'm at the apartment, 9 o'clock when I'm home
  • I use an optical mouse at the office, and an optical trackball with my personal PC. Neither are wireless. :(
  • removed
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  • If blue wasn't the color for female Bionicle-beings, what should be the color?


Uh. Green.


What's your favorite season?




When do you eat breakfast on Saturdays?


It varies greatly.


What kind of mouse do you use--optical, wireless, normal, or any combination of the three?


Normal, because I can't get my wireless optical mouse to work. <_<


Do you enjoy sprite comics?


I make them! =O

~ :kakamanu: ~

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1- You mean the blue ones are GIRLS??? Umm. Purple. Or pink.

2- Fall. My birthday. And I like to use it in a sentence, preferebly before "off a building"

3- A muffin. Err, whenever my mom tells me to. I thought you said "What".

4- A muffin. Err, wireless. I thought you said... oh, forget it.

5- removed



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If blue wasn't the color for female Bionicle-beings, what should be the color--red, green, brown, white, or black?


Red or green! Red or green!


What's your favorite season?


Winter! Winter! Wiener!


When do you eat breakfast on Saturdays (I usually forget and end up eating around 2.)


Bacon! Eggs! Toast! =O .... Sometime!


What kind of mouse do you use--optical, wireless, normal, or any combination of the three?


Not sure! Possibly abnormal!


For the last question, yes.

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* If blue wasn't the color for female Bionicle-beings, what should be the color--red, green, brown, white, or black?



* What's your favorite season?



* When do you eat breakfast on Saturdays (I usually forget and end up eating around 2. tongue.gif)



* What kind of mouse do you use--optical, wireless, normal, or any combination of the three?



* removed

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Pink! *People stare at TLH* erm, I mean, uh... aqua green.Winter, I love to make snow forts!Like you, I don't, I skip ahead to lunch :P .RegularNot sure, I'm sure I would, but I haven't spent too much time in that section of the Creative Outlet.

- :t::l::h:

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.Winter,Because of The celebration of Christmas.Not including presents.

.1:00-What?I sleep late.

.That's a MOUSE?!No wonder is squeeks.......

.Depends,is it a combo meal?


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* Pink

* Chicken Seasoning anytime :P

* Usually after dinner :P

* All three. At school, an optical. At home, one of those wheelie ones. Anywhere else, a live one getting shocked... Nah, scratch that last one.

* Only if they aren't about spam and are funny :) Besides Raka, his ones are just cool!

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  • Green seems like a nice color.
  • Winter for the snow days, summer for the long break, and fall for Thanksgiving. Spring just doesn't cut it. :uhuh:
  • 9:00 AM
  • Optical
  • Never again...
So, it's Thursday. Whatever.
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--Green. Rocks. Period.

--Fall, because, as the Late Show put it, "I like watching things die."

Okay, so actually I like fall because it's cooler, and I like cool weather clothes. And no mowing! :happydance:

--If not sometime around 9, then I forget and eat lunch as breakfast.

--At this moment, wireless optical. On my computer, normal. I need a new one. ;.;

--I think I can sum that answer up with...






So yeah, I do.



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If blue wasn't the color for female Bionicle-beings, what should be the color--red, green, brown, white, or black? White


What's your favorite season? Tough choice between fall (because of Halloween and scary things which I love) and winter (because of snow, which I really love, and all that Christmas spirit)


When do you eat breakfast on Saturdays? 10:00 or 10:30


What kind of mouse do you use--optical, wireless, normal, or any combination of the three? Uh... I think normal


Do you enjoy sprite comics? Yes



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Hey, I think I'll answer my own questions. :P


1.) White

2.) Fall

3.) Too late... maybe 2:00.

4.) Wireless Optical

5.) A portion of them

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