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You know what I mean. They toy with you, screw with your head and heart, even without knowing it. They undermine your confidence and self respect, still without even talking. They create emotions never known before, and mess with your sanity. They invade every dream, thought, and coversation. Yet still, we love them. We cherish every moment spent with them, and constantly fight over them. They are the most beautiful creatures on earth, yet the most dangerous. And even still, we will do anything for them.


No, I'm not on crack. This is but a taste of the insanity that has overwhelmed me for the past few weeks. Kinda poetic actually.


No matter how many times you give advice to freinds, family, or anyone, it'll never prepare you for when it's your turn. I'm sure most of you can relate to the feeling.




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You win epicly for this truthful statement. :)


( I'm not 'Ice Legion Ruler' Anymore, so I'll get you a new seal in a couple of days. ;) )

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You win epicly for this truthful statement. :)


( I'm not 'Ice Legion Ruler' Anymore, so I'll get you a new seal in a couple of days. ;) )



Too true. ^^

Thanks guys. I'll put 'em up as soon as I get acces to a computer. iPods can't copy-and-paste.




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Oh I know. This just has never happened to me before. I've never particularily cared for any of the girls at my school, until now. I'm just not used to feeling so helpless. And I'm not scared of anything usually.



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Same here. But I'm not really into girls that are all looks and no intellect whatsoever. Which is like every girl at my school. :(


Save for this one.

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I cannot really relate to you there (and in admitting this, I'm probably the only one here whom that is true for). My head rules my heart - if I even have one (metaphorically speaking). :mellow: In other words: I feel, therefore I think.




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~
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I hope that what you say doesn't affect me. I've know my Girlfriend for 8 years now (We've know each other since we were in 1st grade.) and I know she'd never do that to me. Others though, I'm not sure about.
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I hope that what you say doesn't affect me. I've know my Girlfriend for 8 years now (We've know each other since we were in 1st grade.) and I know she'd never do that to me. Others though, I'm not sure about.

No, it's not that they do it on purpose but... Nevermind. I'm happy for ya man. I wish I could be in a situation similar to your's.


The funny thing is, my "crush" for lack of better term's name means "most desired". Now isn't that just comical?



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