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Non-canon. The idea of the Expanded Multiverse is a place to put fan creations, intended to be freely available for use by others in fanfics and the like. :) These fan creations will be entered in themed contests.


Plus this time we will have our own Adventure Mystery storyline taking place in this universe. :) All non-canon.

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The original Expanded Universe was started by S&T staff before my time, but it was never really done quite right. It's gone through various versions since then, each improving, and Swert and I wanted to do it right. So we planned and brainstormed it out for a long time, and this is the final result. :)

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The whole concept is very interesting and I like it!

I think I'll get thinking about my entries right away.


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Are we allowed to say which name we intend for which planet?


-TLhikan Zehvor

That's the idea, however I quote Rule 3, for your reference:


3) Contest hosts and judges (the BZP RK and BS01 staff, who will not be entering this contest) reserve the right to mix and match the made-up words, if needed, to assign them to planets or to the overall multiverse as we deem fit.


But if you just submit a name and not say what it's for, we'll just find a spot if we like it.


So, we can make epics about this once all the things are decided?

That is the intension, yes. Call it the perfect cure for Writer's Block. Got a case of one-world blues? We've got 7 worlds to choose from. That's 7X the fun. There will, of course, be small guidelines to follow, to keep people from overruling other users or us. But beyond that, it's an alternate timeline, have at it. -Swert

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Non-canon. The idea of the Expanded Multiverse is a place to put fan creations, intended to be freely available for use by others in fanfics and the like. :)

Well, that's what I thought, I just wanted to confirm it. ;)


So basically, this will be a huge tub of story "play-dough" for BIONICLE fans to mold into whichever shape they so desire? While this sounds super fun and enjoyable, it also sounds incredibly confusing (especially someone jumping in from the outside after things have run for an extended period of time) Will additions to and edits of this universe have to be authorized first before it can become "canon" expanded universe? (canonized un-canon storyline! XD) In other words, will folks like you, Swert, and the like be in control about what is allowed into the story? Or is it a free-for-all type of thing? The problem with that view is that there will start to be tons of contradictions between stories real quick...


It all sounds super though! I'm just needing a little clarification on exactly what this whole deal is! :)



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Will additions to and edits of this universe have to be authorized first before it can become "canon" expanded universe? (canonized un-canon storyline! XD) In other words, will folks like you, Swert, and the like be in control about what is allowed into the story? Or is it a free-for-all type of thing? The problem with that view is that there will start to be tons of contradictions between stories real quick...


Basically, we'll allow anything to go, with the idea that contradiction is solved via the Olmak Effect. Simply have a character moved and nobody will ask. Added to that, if you made a character and it won the contest, but you want it for your own story, simply "copy" it via the Olmak Effect.


And we will also have a small set of guidelines for authors to follow. It shouldn't become a problem. -Swert

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Basically, we'll allow anything to go, with the idea that contradiction is solved via the Olmak Effect. Simply have a character moved and nobody will ask. Added to that, if you made a character and it won the contest, but you want it for your own story, simply "copy" it via the Olmak Effect.


And we will also have a small set of guidelines for authors to follow. It shouldn't become a problem. -Swert

Ah, ok. That makes alot more sense! :) Thanks.


This is all very creative, to be sure. ^_^



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I'm a little confused about it, so let me see if I have this straight:


This "Multiverse". Is the main thing going to be written by Swert or Bonesii or a staff member, and all our fanfics would be parallel versions of the characters in BZ-Koro? Or would anyone would be to write a fic, and the staff will decide whether it is part of the "Multiverse" or a Olmak Parallel? Are BZP members automatically a part of this "Multiverse", or will they have to put in an "application"?


And what about the Comic Land? Hapori Tohu, or Hapori Dume? Will they be featured in the "Multiverse"? And how do I enter the contest?


Sorry if these are too many questions, but I just want to get everything straight.


~Kahinuva :k::h:

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Time to break it down...


I'm a little confused about it, so let me see if I have this straight:


This "Multiverse". Is the main thing going to be written by Swert or Bonesii or a staff member, and all our fanfics would be parallel versions of the characters in BZ-Koro? Or would anyone would be to write a fic, and the staff will decide whether it is part of the "Multiverse" or a Olmak Parallel? Are BZP members automatically a part of this "Multiverse", or will they have to put in an "application"?

Small guidelines will be written for users to help understand how to write for the EM, so everybody will be allowed to write. However, majority of the "storyline" will be written by me and bones.


And the BZP members are already members of it, however there will be contests following this that will help explain what our focus is.


And what about the Comic Land? Hapori Tohu, or Hapori Dume? Will they be featured in the "Multiverse"? And how do I enter the contest?

No, only the seven worlds that you see here are in the Multiverse, however due to the Olmak Effect, anything inside of them will be allowed in other universes via copying. And the contest opens in the topic on Monday the 11th.


Sorry if these are too many questions, but I just want to get everything straight.

Questions are good, we'd prefer you ask them and get straight answers than lose out on what we're trying to express.


And that's it. -Swert

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For the record, the BZ-Koro mentioned as being on the Central world is the one SPIRIT has designed on his blog. That has a spot on the "UDD symbol-shaped island" for every part of BZP. :)


Swert answered everything else I had to say, so just let me say this in my own words -- the fanfictions that everybody already writes are, as Greg has put it, "their own alternate universes" (unless they try to fit inside official story perfectly). So to use one of the characters or items from EM contests, you could say that that character got copied into your own story universe, via the Olmak effect -- or you could just use the character and not bother explaining it. So that's how it can work for your stories where you want to make up whatever.


On the other hand, if you want to write stories actually place IN the Expanded Multiverse, in its seven worlds etc., then there will be simple rules, as Swert said above, if you want it to be considered part of that storyline. Swert and I, and most likely some guest writers, will write a totally consistent central storyline, but anybody can also write fanfiction taking place there. It should be pretty easy for us to leave it as open to whatever stories you can imagine as possible.


In fact I would say that the basic info altready laid out in that announcement topic gives you pretty much what you need to know. :) Added to that will be the winning fan-made content from the series of contests later.


Methinks that sums it up. :)

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err... its the 11th now. where do i post my made up names? in the actuall topic, or in this blog?

In the topic when it's unlocked.


I've already got my names ready, although the only one I could get zero Google things on was the Multiverse name.

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I got mine entered. Versyda is based on the word "diverse" (cuz that's what the multiverse is :P), Krano Noi, I'm not sure why, Strymar, based on "mystery" (because I forgot that Enigma doesn't have a name :P), and Xarcus, cuz it sounded cool.

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