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Name Change Voting Semifinals!



Ok, here I will take the top 4 winning names and put them into a poll here, all with 0 scores.


Mesonak-Kendan Leader-4.


Death Whisper-1.






Mesonak-Shadow Incarnate-1.




:infected: Meso :infected:


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I like MKL.


And Mesonak, I know this might not be the best place to talk about this, but, after I heard what Inferna said you did....well....why the F*** did you DO that?!!?!?


Seriously. That was really mean and uncalled for.


-Very Disappointed in You MT

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Thanks for the votes guys!


TS, I deleted your comment because of two reasons.


1-It was pure flaming, which is ONE reason why you're down to -2 proto.


2-You said nothing about my name change. If you feel I did something wrong, PM me about it. Ok?


MT's comment stays because he went about it in a sophisticated manner. AND he cast his vote. :P


Now, to answer your question, there was two incidents. The most recent, with the "Cookie" joke, I had barely anything to do with. Blame Shadrahk for that one. The first, Kagha and I caused, and we have both apologized profously.


Now, it is frankly none of your buisness. The matter have been dealt with, Akaku has forgiven me and I hope Inferna has as well.


Anyway, this stays up until the 14. Then I'll put finals up. Thanks, again, for the votes everyone!

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You know what Mesonak? You just ruined a great prank.




Yeah, I found out about that a LONG while ago.


Trust me. It wasn't that great. :P


And I am VERY hard to get mad. I was Loling while typing that up there.


My detective skills are second to none. :P

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