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Two Things



One: EW has one of the coolest real-life full name ever.


Two: I have severe mixed feelings towards Disney's The Princess and the Frog movie trailer. The visuals so far look phenomenal, but I'm not so hyped about the actual plot. And, they're advertising it as "the story behind the most magical kiss the world has ever known". Oh, please. We all know that the one between Buttercup and whatisface in the Princess Bride is number one (at least according to the grandpa).


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Of course, now we're all going to track down EW, hack into his school records, stalk him home, etc, to find out his real name...




Well, that might be just a tad creepy/stalkerish, but it's got a hyphen and a wicked middle name and everything.




But we already learned I was creepy/stalkerish, remember?




Oh, right. But you're majoring in ninja with me, so I think it's slightly ok.



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Wesley. :P


And yes, EW's name is awesome. [/stalker]





Ah, ok. Wait, or is it Westley? I can't remember. I haven't seen that movie in ages.





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I think I can claim the coolest name :P


I am more curious about Pixar's "UP". But until then, Wall-E on BluRay will do ^^


O rly? His full name is pretty wicked.


"UP" looks like it'll be good, at least from the short movie trailers I've seen of it. Yaaaay, Wall-E! :D




My name is pretty rare though ^^ You gotta ask me for it in the next Pm or so though :D

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I'm just happy the movie is set in New Orleans. <3


I thought that was pretty cool as well. Now we just need to convince Disney to set a story in Oregon, and I'll be really happy.


Though, I have no idea what fairytale would fit into Oregon....



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First: [sibilant voice]Names mean... nothing... only the true name gives the rightful power.[/sibilant voice]


Second: Look away, please... *blows up animation studios* :evilgrin: Thank you.




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~


Hey now....I still like Disney, just not some of their newer stuff. And when I say "newer stuff" Pixar doesn't count because Pixar is legit and amazing and I wish Disney hadn't bought them out because I think they were doing just fine on their own. Go Wall-E!



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