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Something Akin To Irritation



It's driving me mad. I can't seem to get any better at MOCing. I think any illusion that I'm getting better is because of my continually expanding my parts selection.

It's extremely frustrating, seeing members who either sucked when I first started getting better at building or weren't building at all, just zoom right past me while I'm stuck back here. ASDF



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An illusion brought on by increased parts. I used pretty much the same techniques on that MOC as I've been using for years.

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Don't worry. It's just a MOCist phase where you think you can't do anything. I had it too.


As for parts collection expanding "making you better," yeah, I can understand. Which is half the reason I feel I shouldn't buy anything for a while and just actually use what I have.


Just build something and don't worry!





An illusion brought on by increased parts. I used pretty much the same techniques on that MOC as I've been using for years.



That's OK. When I'm stuck I just build what I know how to build. Just building in general will help you discover new techniques, or other cool things. Practice makes perfect.


Another tip: Look at those you admire's MOCs and get inspiration from them. Copying may be bad, but not so much if you give credit and maybe edit it a little to your own liking.



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Don't worry. I have, and probably always will, suck at MOCing. Compare to my work for an ego booster.



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Well, it's not like your skillz are just going to keep rising until they hit infinity. There's a limit to anyone's skillz. You've maybe hit a plateau, on which you're stuck while others rise rapidly towards their own plateaus. Just keep on trying till you run out of cake, y'know? fAlso, peoples' prolificacy may be confused with increased skillz. Maybe. I mean, I don't think you've leveled off so much as become less prolific. But YEAH. I just had a root beer so I'm having a bit of a sugar buzz. Anyway.
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Arpy's right; besides, ninety percent of MOCing is random experimenting anyways, so mebbe you just haven't been experimenting much recently. ;D
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Don't worry. It's just a MOCist phase where you think you can't do anything. I had it too.

Yo, it's called "MoCist" block, and I know the feeling. It took me a solid seven month to complete Skotraxx, with a solid 4 months in the middle where I didn't do anything simply because I couldn't think of how to give him a head. ;)


When I'm stuck I just build what I know how to build. Just building in general will help you discover new techniques, or other cool things. Practice makes perfect.


Another tip: Look at those you admire's MOCs and get inspiration from them. Copying may be bad, but not so much if you give credit and maybe edit it a little to your own liking.



CF makes a good point: doing the same type of thing over again isn't necessarily bad at all. Also, I don't call it copying if you say where you got the inspiration from. :)


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Your other MOCs was much better than some of your Certavus. You are improving.



But yeah. Wait until school lets up, seriously. I remember last year I had a MOCist's block towards the end of the year and once school let up, I MOCed freely, when ever I had an idea. You just don't have time to think about MOCing with all the homework and stress from tests etc. And then in the summer you can MOC at any point, and into any hour of the night.


Also I just left my MOCists block with my new WIP, but since I just recently had a thesis due, I couldn't MOC at all, so it's about no where farther than it used to be.


Also I disassembled Ki because MOCists block. ._.

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More parts do make you get better. You can refine your MOCs, fill up little gaps, and tinker with those parts until you get a sexy result.


Tell me, how does a large parts collection create an illusion?


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Well, it's not like your skillz are just going to keep rising until they hit infinity. There's a limit to anyone's skillz. You've maybe hit a plateau, on which you're stuck while others rise rapidly towards their own plateaus. Just keep on trying till you run out of cake, y'know? fAlso, peoples' prolificacy may be confused with increased skillz. Maybe. I mean, I don't think you've leveled off so much as become less prolific. But YEAH. I just had a root beer so I'm having a bit of a sugar buzz. Anyway.
But I don't like the plateau! D=

Don't worry. It's just a MOCist phase where you think you can't do anything. I had it too.

Yo, it's called "MoCist" block, and I know the feeling. It took me a solid seven month to complete Skotraxx, with a solid 4 months in the middle where I didn't do anything simply because I couldn't think of how to give him a head. ;)

That's different. It's "I don't know what to do" not "asdf all my MOCs look the saaaaaame"




More parts do make you get better. You can refine your MOCs, fill up little gaps, and tinker with those parts until you get a sexy result.


Tell me, how does a large parts collection create an illusion?

The MOCs are getting better, sometimes. But my skill level is not increasing.


bleeeeeehhhhhh please don't think this is a self pity/I need affirmation entry. It's not. It's an ASDF I'M ANGRY entry. :)



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Your other MOCs was much better than some of your Certavus. You are improving.




Also, who specifically are you referring to? It seems that you're better than the MOCists I can think of off the top of my head....


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If you haven't already, listen to Cagun and DV's interviews. Reading others' received comments is also good, even if you don't care for the site.

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Your other MOCs was much better than some of your Certavus. You are improving.




Also, who specifically are you referring to? It seems that you're better than the MOCists I can think of off the top of my head....


Zip and Cags off the top of my head... though Cags was probably pretty skilled, he just hadn't found his niche yet. (Though Cags has always been better than me...)

If you haven't already, listen to Cagun and DV's interviews. Reading others' received comments is also good, even if you don't care for the site.

I hadn't. I'll see if I can find them... I don't remember the site they're on, but I'm sure I can dig it up.



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Seriously, guys. No matter what Bunda's intention was for this entry, you're not doing anyone any good by bashing Bunda's Certavus. It's not as complex as some of Bunda's older MOCs, of course (like my friends the sluggles<3) But it wasn't supposed to be creative gold, it was supposed to be a certain character, which Bunda reflected to the best of his ability.


And Bunda, trust me, you've got nothing to be frustrated about. To a certain extent I agree with CF (this is just a phase), and to a certain extent I agree with Arpy (you won't improve and improve forever). Perhaps using similar MOCing styles over and over means you've found your niche, just as Cajun did with ridiculously complex yet stylistically unified BIONICLE sculptures. Or perhaps it's just a sticky point. Whatever it is, just run with it until you find what's ahead of you.


Of course, this comes from the person who has little standing as an MOCist-- most of my MOCs never really end up worth posting, so I'm not the one whose advice you should take if your intent is to continue pumping forth genius MOC after genius MOC. I just figure you've got nothing to be ashamed about-- like CF said, you've just got to bear the frustration and continue digging into the same pieceload, thus exercising your MOCing mind-muscles for the next big idea.

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Seriously, guys. No matter what Bunda's intention was for this entry, you're not doing anyone any good by bashing Bunda's Certavus. It's not as complex as some of Bunda's older MOCs, of course (like my friends the sluggles<3) But it wasn't supposed to be creative gold, it was supposed to be a certain character, which Bunda reflected to the best of his ability.

No, I agree with them. My Certavus is wonky.



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Seriously, guys. No matter what Bunda's intention was for this entry, you're not doing anyone any good by bashing Bunda's Certavus. It's not as complex as some of Bunda's older MOCs, of course (like my friends the sluggles<3) But it wasn't supposed to be creative gold, it was supposed to be a certain character, which Bunda reflected to the best of his ability.

No, I agree with them. My Certavus is wonky.



Sure, the colors were a bit off, but some things were just WIN. Blue/white. The gunmetal. The weapon. The different helmet than what everyone else used. And just he basic build in general was good, and better than all the other entries, IMO. Which is why I wanted you to win.



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I loved your Certavus! Especially the weapon. That really got my attention, as well as the overall build (legs, torso) an the different head.


Don't lose faith. Just keep MOCing.



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I couldn't MOC for a million dollars in gold bars. You probably could. You're just bringing yourself down. Do some trial and error, use different techniques. You have a habit of doing what's been so normal nowadays that it's not even interesting anymore. Introduce something new. Even if people don't like it, who cares? It's something original, and cool to you, and that should be enough to get you by.



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Seriously, guys. No matter what Bunda's intention was for this entry, you're not doing anyone any good by bashing Bunda's Certavus. It's not as complex as some of Bunda's older MOCs, of course (like my friends the sluggles<3) But it wasn't supposed to be creative gold, it was supposed to be a certain character, which Bunda reflected to the best of his ability.

No, I agree with them. My Certavus is wonky.



Well, that bums me out. I really liked that Certavus. Oh, well.

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