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Things That Need To Exist

Little Miss Krahka


1. STAR TREK LEGO. C'mon Lego. There's a big money making movie with lots of fun shiny ships and fun exciting sets that you needa cash in on here. You can't lose this license to Mega Bloks again people. THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT. (By which I mean me, but whatevah.) Oh, and a Lego: Star Trek game would be sweet too. Go through all the series? Hecks yeah!




3. Oh, and while we're on the subject of licensed Lego lines that begin with the word "Star", there needs to be some EU Star Wars Lego sets. Specifically, I want a bunch of Knights of the Old Republic LEGO Bricks. I want the entire cast of KotOR in mini figure form. I want the Ebon Hawk. I want a Technic set of HK-47. You know it would be fantastic.


4. I need a garden where I grow my own tea. That way, even after the apocalypse, I can make some tea. Though I don't think it grows very well in this climate. Especially if it were in a post-apocalyptic climate. Hurm.


5. And a post-rock band with a buncha Sacred Harp singers as the vocalists.


6. OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT. Nextwave needs to be uncanceled and running forever.


7. And have I mentioned that Bioware needs to make a Star Trek RPG? Because Mass Effect proved that if they do one thing right, it's having conversations in space. Which is part of the joy that is Star Trek. Seriously.


Also, I'll be leaving on Sunday. So I might end up making an official post that's all "Bye guys I'm leaving," but in case I don't, erm, bye guys. I'm leaving.


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Yayyyy Krahka read Nextwave! I shall kick you to death with slippers on so it doesn't hurt so much.
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1. I want to move to an alternate universe where LEGO could produce everything the fans want without having to worry about IP rights or making money. D:


2. A trained monkey to sit on your shoulder and watch for these kinds of situations? TCHI TCHI TCHI!


3. See response to #1.


4. It just so happens that as I write this, I am drinking tea and listening to Apocalyptica. :huh: (My own roof-garden idea wasn't viable after all. I'm gonna rent a couple ares [1 are = 100 m²] of lakeside land for that instead. It's quite affordable and much less dangerous!)


5. I don't know what that would sound like, but I'm sure it'd be awesome.


6. I was not aware of the existence of this. The artist has a Finnish last name... ^_^

7. RPing's not my bag, but I'm probably as much a potential game addict as any other geekily inclined person. ... ^ And I just realized Arpy's name is RP. O_o


I love your lists.


You don't have to display it if it doesn't match your blog decor. :P


So you are headed for sand and sun and archaeological awesomeness... Here's hoping you turn up something TOTALLY exotic, like a 300,000-year-old anti-gravity device... =D If I don't talk to you before you go, I'd just like to say HAVE AN AWESOME SUMMER GIRL. B)





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1. STAR TREK LEGO. C'mon Lego. There's a big money making movie with lots of fun shiny ships and fun exciting sets that you needa cash in on here. You can't lose this license to Mega Bloks again people. THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT. (By which I mean me, but whatevah.) Oh, and a Lego: Star Trek game would be sweet too. Go through all the series? Hecks yeah!

Agreed. Would really love to see 'em.


7. And have I mentioned that Bioware needs to make a Star Trek RPG? Because Mass Effect proved that if they do one thing right, it's having conversations in space. Which is part of the joy that is Star Trek. Seriously.


Aw heck yes! In fact, I'm going to suggest that in my next mail to Drew Karpyshyn. :o

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I want a Technic set of HK-47. You know it would be fantastic.



6. OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT. Nextwave needs to be uncanceled and running forever.


Same goes for Captain Britain and MI13

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