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Help Feed Lady K!

Lady Kopaka


...for random fun! First person to get my 23,333 profile view—or at least the closest—gets a free sketch! Just screencap and PM me!

Congrats to Tifosi92! That really went fast...next time I'll make the kiriban bigger. Anyway, apologizes to you guys that didn't get it. I'll be doing another one in a few weeks!


Update, Sept/24/09: Commissions are officially back. Still a lot going on, but I have gotten a hold of some things to handle this again. As I’ve said before, this money is going into savings for college and bill paying, so thank you very much!

Current commissions are going well, and at least three are close to being completed. (once I finish this batch, I'll better organize myself so commissions are finished sooner) If you were interested earlier in getting one from me, now is the time to ask about it.



Pricing is for cleaned/shaded artwork. My standard paper is usually 8.5x11 cardstock.


Shipping (if requested for original):

(note: this is just an estimate. Shipping is determined by where you live/how large the drawing is)


Black & White (Pencil/Digital sketch)

Headshot/Bust -

Full view Single Character - $

+Simple Background - $

+Complex Background - $

+Extra character/or other - $


Inked (Ink pens/Digitally inked)

Headshot/Bust - $

Full view Single Character - $

+Simple Background - $

+Complex Background - $

+Extra character/or other - $


Coloured (Digital/Colour-pencil/Watercolour/Markers)

Headshot/Bust - $

Full view Single Character - $

+Simple Background -

+Complex Background -

+Extra character/or other -




1) If your drawing is digital, I usually won’t send out a copy, you can print it out yourself. However, if the drawing is large or you have any problems with printing, we can work something out.

2) I accept pretty much any forms of payment. Cash/check must be USD. Most of the time, I will require you to pay before I begin drawing.

3) Though I will try my best to follow what you want, please give me some leeway at times. I will be more than happy to improve anything during drafting, but I cannot overwork myself with finicky nitpicking.

4) Prices will differ with larger and more unique projects. When I receive a request some pricing may be changed. It is determined by materials, time and the drawing itself.

5) You’re welcomed to ask how your request is coming along, but please to not get rude if I’m working slowly! My life can get really rough sometimes, and art projects can take awhile, depending on the drawing. I try to finish on a week to two week basis, and if it will take longer, I'll inform you.


Recommended Comments

I'm kinda interested. Although I can't really think of anything specific I'd like to see drawn, so it might end up being more of a "I challenge you to draw something ___-ish".
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As I said before, I may be interested. If you need money, then I know it'd be going towards a good cause, and the prices seem fair, especially for art the quality of yours... So yeah, I'm seriously considering commissioning something... Just don't count on me doing so yet.


-Nuju Metru

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I would like to do this but, I'm kinda lacking in the money department... and I'm not old enough to get a summer job yet so... perhaps when I have money... :)




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I think I'm interested, but I have to think about it a little more. And I'll have to wait until next week some time.


Anyway, I'm thinking of a full-size picture of Takanuva. I'd prefer inked, but that depends on how much money I have to spend. But, yeah, I'll PM you if I decide to buy. :]



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I'm kinda interested. Although I can't really think of anything specific I'd like to see drawn, so it might end up being more of a "I challenge you to draw something ___-ish".

Sorta a surprise commission? That'd be fun to do, though if you do decide to request, least give me a vague theme or something so I don't completely disappoint you. :P


As I said before, I may be interested. If you need money, then I know it'd be going towards a good cause, and the prices seem fair, especially for art the quality of yours... So yeah, I'm seriously considering commissioning something... Just don't count on me doing so yet.

Oh trust me, I won't be spending this on games and movie tickets. If/when I get a job, most of that is going to help my family and college savings, so I just thought this would be a good way to save up for a few things that I need.


Anyway, I'm thinking of a full-size picture of Takanuva. I'd prefer inked, but that depends on how much money I have to spend. But, yeah, I'll PM you if I decide to buy. :]

All righty, thanks a bunch for at least the consideration. I was sorta worried no one would respond at all..xD

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I'm not exactly rolling in cashola myself, but I think I can help you out. I'd like a full-view, inked and coloured portrait of my self-MOC. I'll take a photo of the approximate pose for reference.


I'll PM you with specifics as they come up. :)



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This is so terribly tempting. I'd love to see you attempt a drawing of one of my own MoCs xD


....Unfortunately I only have five dollars right now so it will have to wait. We'll see!




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OOoooh, I want one. One of what, I'm not sure. But I want one!

So, does USD payment mean that we can send you moneys in the mail, like a check or something? I must know this, as to ascertain a certain plan henceforth to jimmy up and procure some of your dashingly great-intuituioned pencilwork. (I want one of your artz.)



PS: I'm strangly british now. PM me if you think this is abnormal.

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Whoops...accidentally deleted above comment that I did for some reasons...*edits*


OOoooh, I want one. One of what, I'm not sure. But I want one!

So, does USD payment mean that we can send you moneys in the mail, like a check or something? I must know this, as to ascertain a certain plan henceforth to jimmy up and procure some of your dashingly great-intuituioned pencilwork. (I want one of your artz.)

I just stated USD cause I don't want to accidentally get another form of money. If you don't use paypal, then yes you can send in some money via mail. Check? May have to see about that one, but I'm sure it'd be okay.


Would you do a Bionicle version of a human? If so, I may be interested.

I have some limitations of course, but I can turn a human into Bionicle. Feel free to PM anytime about this, or to ask more questions here if you want. :)

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I may be interested in some artwork... Would it be possible to arrange different prices for different sizes and qualities?


Considering that I live in Northern Ireland, I don't see shipment being much trouble. I could also probably convert any payment into the Euro, if that would be more suitable.


Also, out of interest - how long will this offer be running? I would be able to get some money in from working in the summer, but I'd probably be in a better position when I go back to school (for some reason they'll pay me to attend school). It really depends... I'll be sure to contact you if I can. ;)




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I may be interested in some artwork... Would it be possible to arrange different prices for different sizes and qualities?

Yep. Those prices are what I deemed would be most popular and affordable (default 8x12 paper), and I didn't want to make the commission information too long and overly detailed. If you would rather want a larger image as a poster, or even as small as sketchcards, I can do, and those prices can be arranged more formally when you specifically request what you would like via PM.


Considering that I live in Northern Ireland, I don't see shipment being much trouble. I could also probably convert any payment into the Euro, if that would be more suitable.

Shipping out of the country may be a tad more expensive, but it is doable. I do not think I can use Euro, but as long as I can convert it to USD we can work out something, it isn't too complicated I think.


Also, out of interest - how long will this offer be running? I would be able to get some money in from working in the summer, but I'd probably be in a better position when I go back to school (for some reason they'll pay me to attend school). It really depends... I'll be sure to contact you if I can. ;)

As long as I can. There may be times where I'll close commissioning (for a short time) due to a busy life or a obvious limit to how much commissions I can do at a time, but I have intentions to keeping this open all year 'round.

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Okay, I've got a question--what happens if I get the 23,333rd view, 'cause I don't have image-hosting capabilities? :P

Since you're my totally awesome buddy, I trust that you can just tell me if you get it.

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Since you're my totally awesome buddy, I trust that you can just tell me if you get it.


I accidentally landed the 10,000th view on SPIRIT's profile, so I'm feeling lucky. :P


I will take a screencap if I do end up with it, and I promise I'll show it to you when (if ever :P) I have the ability to host images. *lol*

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I'd jump to this right now, but I don't have the moolah just yet. You said you'll be keeping this all year round (with breaks)? Expect a commission from good ol' EW sometime.



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Maybe as soon as I get more than $3.20 I'll request something...... :P

Of course it'd involve Lewa....then I could add you to the countless other BZPers who's drawn Lewa for me. lol


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Thanks for the offers guys, I understand about not having enough money; it's nice just knowing people are willing to actually buy my art.


You said you'll be keeping this all year round (with breaks)?

Yes. There are times where I may get too many requests, or I'll have to take a break (like I did a few weeks ago because of health issues), but I'll be doing this for as long as I can.


How bout food for thought? ^^

If it involves ramen noodles and chocolate.

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I'd buy one if I had money to spare. Sadly this thing Is dying pretty much piece by piece though, so I can't afford to spare any cash at the moment. :(

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