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Ego Consciousness Blargh



So I started another blarghsoapbox the other day. What a disaster.


Well, not really. I'm actually quite pleased, on the one hand. But yeah.


I'm supposed to use that one as an outlet for my Really Serious And Hard Hitting Thoughts, as opposed to the "BZPower-friendly" stuff. <--- False dichotomy, but that's words for ya. They'll trap you every time. :rolleyes:


And speaking of traps... I tell you, I'm an expert at setting them up and then walking right into them. Although "expertise" is hardly the word for a pattern that manifests perfectly well without my conscious intent. So what's the trap this time? Oh, only the same one I tangle with every day:




An inflated sense of self-importance. The audacity to think I have anything to offer that's special in any way, that doesn't just regurgitate what I've managed to haphazardly pick up from others who are far more diligent, devoted, eloquent, intelligent, informed, discerning, aware, advanced, and experienced than myself.


And that's another lie. The old one-two. Swing you back from the high to the low, self-importance to self-pity. "I can't do anything special or worthwhile. I suck!"


The only antidote is a big, healthy double dose of Detached Objectivity and Humility. That and some medication XD meditation will work wonders.


Write what you know, they say. Well, I've got a problem right there: I don't know a whole lot. I've got a bunch of info in my brain, sure - but how much of it is integrated into my being through the alchemical processes of choice-consequence and belief-experience? - And how much is just intellectual games inside my head? To speak with authority, you've gotta know.


I think my best way forward is going to be to speak what I think when I have something worth saying, and defer to the experts otherwise. Or, rather, other people who have done so much better a job at uncovering truth and formulating their thoughts than I can. Tzzzt. Wait, what did I just say? Strike that. Strike that. Forget it. I mean, what's the fuss? Really. I'll figure it out as I go along.


Boy, I'm really making this overly complicated. And I just read a great reminder on the Beauty of Simplicity today. Oughta keep that in mind. Mmm, yeah. Keep It Simple, Sunshine. Right on.


Oh-kaaaaaaay, that's it for my little angst session. Thank you very much. That was very cathartic. :D


Bye now. :howdy:




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What a ramble of young adult thoughts scrambled together ^^


My guideline is: know yourself. Keep an eye on yourself from an outsiders point of view to stay objective and then make choices.

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Ego is what gets you around in life.


-Omi's ego

I find it's more the thing that gives me the runaround in life, lol. 'Cause it perceives the places I actually want to get to as being very scary and threatening to its top-dog status. So it does everything it can to resist that. But that's the nature of the beast, it's just something I have to deal with. And I'm not saying ego is bad. It's a part of our consciousness that thinks it is us instead of just a part of the whole. It's a survival tool, basically. So what you said is absolutely correct, in a sense.



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Ahhh I know what you mean, it does get annoying too. I have that swing of "I can't do anything" to "I'm better than thou" and it is annoying because when I'm at the bottom I feel bad, but when I'm at the top my modesty kicks in. I have a high level of modesty too, so I even though I feel like I'm above others in social intelligence, I always think I'm actually not, but I just can't tell.


So lately I've been...... I dunno how to describe it. Just like.... very down to earth and blunt in what I say about how I am and feel. I dunno I had it, but I just lost it trying to describe it. >>

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