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I Can Do With My Computer Time What I Want

Taka Nuvia


...I can, right?


The problem is, my bro wants me to watch vids he found on a hosting side all the time, and if I don't watch them, he calls me "a loser", "dumb" and whatnot.

I don't think that's right from him, I mean, this videos are not the sort of humor I like. (in some way the even disturb me).

And also, it's not like I had nothing else to do... like getting online or what.


I hear a weird sound. I turn round. it comes from a vid my bro watches. I ask "Oh my god, what do you watch?" and he's all like "put on your headphones, you're getting on my nerves". ._.


It's not like we wouldn't like each other, but when it comes to computer times, we seem to disagree with each other all the time (and our computers are botrh in the same room :( )



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If you wanna get back at him, change his background to my little pony or something. And maybe unplug his stereo cord.


Other then that, I don't really know what you can do...



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I know what you mean...that's how my brother is....AND our computers are also in the same room like you.... -_-

But if anything you're aren't dumb or a loser...if that helps.... :D

Also....instead of all the "getting back" ideas that everyone seems to be sharing....maybe you could try working something out between the two of you...? <:D


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I relate. I have five siblings, and three of them always caused problems for me when I was on the computer and we all had to share one--some situations I will not go into, but it can be very frustrating. I understand about the name calling and other things; it hurts.


It's best just to ignore him and do what you want to do, and if gets to be such a problem see if you can talk to your parents about it. Headphones actually are not always bad, I actually like them better sometimes, especially for listening to music since you can hear it better (but only if you have decent headphones.)


I agree with Jordboy; I wouldn't plot any revenge or cause more of a hassle. It's best just to discuss it out and try to work things out so so you can get along again, and not have anymore tension.

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