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Mesa Back!



Aloha everyone. I'm back online and ready to have loads of fun murdering helpless civilians as they waddle down the paved roadways carting multiple bags of assorted groceries. I still require recaps from Sisen and CJ so pay up :P Here's my agenda so far.


- Imagine will get posted for approval June 23rd

- A new chapter of The BIONICLE Story Team will get posted June 24th

- Abyssal Plain will dominate everything except BZProvince in the RPGC polls. Unfortunately it is not quite dominating quite as I would like. So go and vote! However, if AP doesn't work out I still have a few tricks up my sleeve for next a contest that I had decided to put on hold this time around. Specifically a project entitled Naming Day....

- The Conduit comes out June 23rd. All Wii owners must go and purchase!

- FCG1 ends July 12th. My entry should be posted by the 4th.

- I owe both the ECC and the CCC a boatload of reviews. I'll get around to them... someday....

- I've decided on my EC8 entry and plan to have it up some time before July 20th.

- Practice for the school band. Our first formal rehersal is July 15th

- Finish half of a Geometry course so that I can take Algebra II this coming year.

- Get a new computer cuz this one stinks.. literally...

- Get tickets to Harry Potter 6 and Transformers 2.

- Obtain Life Scout by November.


That's pretty much it :P So yeah.. there's alot on my plate, lol. Leader's new game looks great, and Wrack's idea for an RTSRPG is utterly brilliant.


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Please do me the favor of never trying to sound like a Gungan again. Imagining you as a member of that species was deeply disturbing.



Okeeday Ballomesa!

- Get a new computer cuz this one stinks.. literally...


Um, really? o_O

Yes, really. It's causing a putrid stench even as we type.



While yousa gone thingsa pretty much okeeday, 'specially with de brisky morny munchy. Prolly yud say boom de gasser, den crashin der bosses heyblibber, den pow, yousa back. :lol:


Lolsa, thatsa eggsactly howsy itsa happenedy.

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The Conduit was preordered last Wednesday, and I'm seeing Transformers 2 tomorrow at midnight.


Oh btw, I'll need your friend code.




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