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Cast Announced!

Lady Kopaka


Hey everyone!! I'm so excited! Everyone ready? :D


:: Click To Watch ::


I decided to make a fun little intro to this audiobook to announce who got into the cast! :)

The video includes only major characters, and pardon me if I messed something up…If you're too lazy to watch, or would like to see a more detailed list, here it be:


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  • Tachi: Nikira
  • Komas: Smeogol4
  • Makuta Szian: Vezok's Friend
  • Toa Niihlus: Torran
  • Captain Yuuzian: SPIRIT
  • Toa Zerak: Eeko
  • Toa Uchik: Kanohi Zatth
  • Philo Tsak: Sakaru
  • Zimriah: Raia
  • Vheon: MoSM
  • Creolè: Brogen
  • Szian's Servant:Kanohi Zatth
  • Naosu: Yukiko
  • Makuta Muurax: Biocore
  • Ancient: SPIRIT
  • Lariska: Lady Kopaka
  • An Un-named Onu-Matoran: SPIRIT
  • Un-named Bounty hunter in Jiahk: Eeko
  • A grouchy Matoran sailor: SkullKid
  • Another Matoran sailor: SkullKid


It was a very hard choice, and I want to thank everyone for auditioning (I have over 70 files of auditioning!). I'm very excited to officially being this project soon. As of now, congratulations! Get warmed up for your parts, go tell your friends about this, point out any suggestions...or run around in circles being ecstatic!


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Yes, COngrats to everyone.

A PM Will be coming around to cast members with further instructions soon.


Oh, also, You forgot to ad "Narrated by SkullKid" ;)

Oh well

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I REALLY gotta make time to read this epic...


And I owe you big time for sticking around and reading mine. I'm sorry, I'm really trying! :(

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Oh, also, You forgot to ad "Narrated by SkullKid"

...Whoops. I'll go add that in now. x'D


I REALLY gotta make time to read this epic...

Just listen to it when it comes out! :D

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*runs in those ecstatic circles*







*grabs your hands and dances in those circles with you* geeee! x3


A hundred thanks for this opportunity, LadyK and Skullkid. I'm flabbergasted! This should be fantastic fun and I'm really looking forward to getting home to my mic now, haha. ^^


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Woo!!! I have a sudden urge to make a ko-matoran moc... :P I can't wait to start working on this. :D



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Pshh, my characters are clearly better then everyone elses. (sorry, have to practice the big ego for Zerak.)

I toatlly knew Smeag and Nikira would land those roles. :)



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:

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yay i lost! *i didn't really have time to record all the lines*


congrats to the winner, i can't wait to listen to the first chapters.

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I actually got a role? :D


Thank you guys really, really much! I´m so happy to be in this project, even though just as a minor role... or, so I think. I honestly haven´t read the whole GiTS. :(


I´d like to point out, though, that it´s not my fault. My computer just coincidentally happens to shut down every time I view the page with the epic. ><


Anyway, thanks very much for that role. :blush:


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I honestly haven´t read the whole GiTS. :(


I´d like to point out, though, that it´s not my fault. My computer just coincidentally happens to shut down every time I view the page with the epic. ><

Haha, that happens all the time with me too.

Which means I guess I should get back to finishing it as well...

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Hey guys, don't feel bad about it. It's a long story and I ain't gunna get on anyone's back about finishing it or not; I mean, if you read it that's wonderful, but again, don't feel guilty or it's something that you have to do, just chill and enjoy the project. :)
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Ready? 3...2...1... I FAILED!


But thanks for the opportunity. I'm looking forward to the audiobook (I only made it as for as part of chapter 6). Can't wait.


*jumps around with anticipation*

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Hey guys, don't feel bad about it. It's a long story and I ain't gunna get on anyone's back about finishing it or not; I mean, if you read it that's wonderful, but again, don't feel guilty or it's something that you have to do, just chill and enjoy the project. :)


k´, thanks. ^_^



I honestly haven´t read the whole GiTS. :(


I´d like to point out, though, that it´s not my fault. My computer just coincidentally happens to shut down every time I view the page with the epic. ><

Haha, that happens all the time with me too.

Which means I guess I should get back to finishing it as well...


Oh, that wonderful irony... there´s a glitch in my computer´s system! :lol:


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This is so exciting!! Can't wait for the outcome, guys. :D Hope audiobooks catch on in BZP.


The video rocked my socks, as well. :o Now I want the song. I provided a voice for a BZP game that got cancelled (*sad*), so I wanted to try out for this, but it's just too noisy at my house, and I'm too busy this summer, anyway. But listening to the audiobook will be just as awesome.

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Silly windows media player <_<

Anyway, congratulations to everyone who made it! It's really cool that we have adults (or at least semi-adults:P) participating. It's bound to make the audiobook sound even more professional.

Looking forward to chapter eight!

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Where did you get that song from?


And I'm looking forward to hearing the book/epic, though I already read it.



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Ah, I should had pointed that out in the entry. To those who are wondering, it's part of the song Cure for the Itch by Linkin Park. :)
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