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Crimson Jester


BZP role-players, Judges, RPG staff, and whomever may come across it,


I'm here to make one point, and one point only: as of today, I'm retiring from RPG creating. I've been doing this on BZP for going on 5 years now; by far the longest run of any RPG creator I can think of. I've had my share of crushing defeats, and glorious wins in my days doing this, and it was all worth it. The three RPG Contest victories, and dozens upon dozens of CoT RPGs I've made in my days; I don't regret a single one. The experience as a whole was the best I've had on BZP, and the only thing that's really kept me here.


But, times change. I go from fresh, to seasoned, to veteran. RPG demands change, role-players come and go, and new RPG creators step up to the plate. Some have wondrous success, while others suffer catastrophic failure. The ones who succeed, like I, continue what they do, making a name and place for themselves. But, like anything, we age, we change, and we fade into the background. People move on to the fresh RPG creators, the visionaries, the ones who bring fresh new ideas to the plate, changing the way we see RPGs. And veterans like myself, we have to slow down, end gracefully. It's time for me to step aside, and let the newer generations of RPG creators to take the reins.


Now, don't fret; this doesn't mean I'll be quitting RPGs entirely. In fact, with my time freed up from the tasks of running RPGs, I'm going to focus on getting myself back into RPing; re-establishing myself as the RPer I once was. I've definitely neglected my RPing as of late, and caused some grief, as I left quite a few fellow RPers hanging as I disappeared in and out.


As well, upon request, I'd still love to help other creators, giving my opinion, assisting in improvement of others work, and helping to create RPGs. I still love creating, and I don't think that will ever go away. So please, just ask. I'll need something to do now and again. :P


Anyways, before this gets too long, I'd just like to make one final note: thanks to all the wonderful RPers who've supported me over the years, making my experience a great and rather colorful one, and putting me to where I am today. My inner RPer wouldn't be where its at without you guys.




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Y'know, I've been thinking about doing this too lately. I'll probably keep creating RPGs a bit longer, but like you I think I'm on the fizzle now. Heh, too bad I never made an RPing name for myself, but I'm content with what I've offered in my time :P




It's been great RPing with ya mate, and even though my memories of the Metroid RPGs are long off and vague, I know you were with me in my newb days, helping me take my baby steps as I went. You've definitely earned the Veteran status in the RPG community, from unique ideas to a wide pallet of characters. I think you deserve this big retirement/break, and just to sit back and watch new-generation RPers follow the footsteps that others like you have left behind ;)


I'm glad to here you'll still be RPing though, and if you ever need charrie ideas or opinions, I'm still around.

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Well CJ, I've considered you my superior in terms of RPGs. You really inspired me with many of your works. But alas, RPing is an art and like all forms of art, older artists must step aside. I'm sad to see you step down. If Robo is the Mozart of RPing, you are its Beethoven. Good luck with your continuing RPing efforts. I hope to game with you again very soon.

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Anarchy was one of my first RPGs, and it was fun, even if I got chewed out a little for being a newbie. I hope you'll still be in other RPGs, you're really good!

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Who else will submit the craziest RPG ideas at the very last moments of the RPGCs anymore man? Alas, your speech pulsates with reason, and you can only churn out RPGs for so long before you either run dry of ideas or are bored of it. Can't wait to see you back on the 'field', with all your crazy characters (which are of course only to be expected). We should plan something together sometime, or own more seven-year-olds on Halo with my horrible lag. You're an awesome RPer, and everyone'll be waiting for your return to major RPing.

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Xerry, I believe you've either never heard of myself, or forgotten me entirely.

Anyways, it's good to know you haven't quit entirely =)

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