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A Small Something That The Australian Branch Of Lego Should Consider For 2010 Onwards.



Every year, three of the major retailers in Australia (K-Mart, Big W and Target, although more may do it as well) have a huge toy sale at the start of July and lasts for a few weeks, with lots of savings, layby and all of that consumer jargon. You would think that releasing the new wave of sets (not just BIONICLE, but all the lines) around or before that date would be good for sales, and not a whole month later. Not that I am economically or business minded, but that is my understanding of how things work anyway. It would certainly make many Australian fanatics very happy, I am sure, if they are released earlier and at sale prices.

On another note, you may not have heard, but Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is dead. I think it has been pretty quiet on the news, so I thought I should tell you.




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They generally do the same thing in New Zealand with different stores, and I have to agree that they should release the sets around then. Not having them in is no excuse, the Mahri were released in time for the sales in '07.
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On another note, you may not have heard, but Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is dead. I think it has been pretty quiet on the news, so I thought I should tell you.

The media hasn't talked about anything else for the past week, Phy. ><


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Yeah, that'd be great! Especially with all those huge sales. Eh, maybe they'll come later this month, I remember the Summer sets this year coming out in January.


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How would selling something on sale be useful for sales? :???:
More sets would be sold, by my understanding. However, as I said, I am not one with an eye for business or any equivalent.

On another note, you may not have heard, but Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, is dead. I think it has been pretty quiet on the news, so I thought I should tell you
The media hasn't talked about anything else for the past week, Phy. ><

Once again someone has failed to notice my subtle sarcasm. Shame, really.

And it is Phrenzhii to you. There is not a single 'y' in my name.



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Why would they sell new sets at sale prices? Surely the whole point of stores having sales is to get rid of all the old stuff that hasn't sold for full price yet?

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MJ's dead?!


Is the media covering it up? Because I haven't heard one word about it!


Wow! Where can I find news of this? [/sarcasm]

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