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Off To Bayou State

Lady Kopaka




Going to be gone for a little over a week visiting relatives and friends down there. I’m happy to say that I’m feeling much better—for now. :x I shall be bringing art supplies, so I’m hoping to get some stuff done there.


I’ll still be able to get my hands on a computer at times, but I’m going to be busy hanging out with old friends (Going to a Coldplay concert, yesyesyes), I haven’t socialized in forever.


Only thing I’m not looking forward to is the heat. Ick.


If you guys have any last minute questions, requests, etc.; say them now because I’ll be unable to respond much while I’m away. :)


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Ok, um, how many stories are on your list of things to review? (HATP hasn't seen any action, really).


Also, what's you're next big art project?


*still mezmorized by hair*

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SOunds Fun.

I like coldplay. My favorite song is Clocks.

ANyway, all i'm going to say to you before you go is to expect the first chapter of the audiobook sometime next week.

-GI }]

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Ok, um, how many stories are on your list of things to review? (HATP hasn't seen any action, really).

I owe a lot of people reviews. Dx Hopefully, when I get back I can go on some reviewing rampage and help everyone out.


Also, what's you're next big art project?

Well, I have a lot of art I'm doing, but I'm not sure on terms of 'big'. If I have the time, I'm definitely thinking about doing a large poster image of two certain Toa characters to send to Brickfair--as for other stuff, we'll just have to wait and see.


ANyway, all i'm going to say to you before you go is to expect the first chapter of the audiobook sometime next week.

Cool; email me if you have any problems and go ahead and work on the next chapter to get ahead. I haven't been able to edit GITS like I was supposed to, so if you see anything that's off (or if another person does) feel free to fix/rewrite if you must.

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