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For The Past Month...

Takuma Nuva


So, what has transpired since the day I said, "See y'all on the flip side"? Well, here's the shortest version...

Left for Montana that Tuesday, car broke down in ND. Made it late to our destination about 10 PM Wednesday.

Next day (Thursday) we (the group) went trap-shooting, mini-golfing, and did party-like games at the Ryan Dam.

Friday we set off for Glacier National Park and did a good hike somewhere between 6-10 miles I reckon.

Saturday we took another hike higher in the mountains and had a snowball fight despite it being the middle of July. Then we left and took a long trip back to the hosts'/hostess' farm for a chili dinner and a bon fire.

Sunday was roller-skating, Baskin Robbins, and then some general hanging out before everybody took off.

Monday was spent at the farm chillin' and getting to know the few other people who were also staying at the farm for a few extra days.

Tuesday - Thursday were spent at the farm helping put up grain bins.

Friday & Saturday were spent driving back.

Every since I got home not too much has happened. With BZP being down, some might expect that I'd seize the moment to start working on all sorts of projects that I could put up once the forums were back online. Not so. While I did work on my epic a little bit more, I mostly saw this as a chance to take an overall break from BZP. Therefore, my life has consisted mostly of working and gaming (mostly TF2). Actually, despite my previous statement that the Half-Life series wasn't my cup of tea, there was a decent sale on STEAM recently and I ended up getting Half Life 2, Episode 1, and Episode 2 for just under 12 bucks. I still don't like the blood/gore and the zombies, but for twelve bucks I'll buy into the gravity gun and the other pros of the series. Actually I just bought the games last Saturday night and already I've beat all three... :lookaround:

Well, that's all for now. Pretty soon here I'll do an entry reminiscing about my blog now that it is officially (over) 1 year old.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


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Yeah, I don't go to Ravenholm anymore. I also found the vehicle segments to be a bit too long. My favorite part of the whole series has got the be in the mines holding off the antlions with Griggs and Sheckley.


"What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know. Sounds like something the Vorts would say..."

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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Huh. I thought the vehicle segments were some of the best parts.

I thought you got the Orange Box, though. Why'd you buy the three HL2s?
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No, I didn't actually have the Orange Box before. Just Portal and TF2. I only got the HL2 games now because they were dirt cheap.

And I guess I should re-phrase. I thought the vehicle segments in HL2 were a tad too long. I also had way too much trouble trying to shoot while driving. It was easier to forget the gun and just try to run everything over, which only worked so well. I didn't so much mind the sequences with the car in Episode 2. Obviously Episode 1 doesn't apply.

takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:
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Eh, To each their own. (Airboat was WIIIIN).

Also, you mean you don't count throwing all your ammo away on the train at the end of Epi one a vehicle part? =P
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Wheee, just under $12? You should have just done what I did and gotten Orange Box for the insane $10 a few months ago. =P


Also NO SPOILERS I STILL HAVEN'T FINISHED HL2. It's so unfair you can play HL2 for 19 hours in two days and beat it, while I only get to play maybe a half hour at a time because of my job. D=


~ :a: :t:

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