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We Are Recruiting For The Software Library



Welcome everyone! We at the Software Library are in need of some individuals with a taste for video games! We'll need 1 to 2 new people to help get all of these games nice and rated. If you think you can review fan-made games objectively, send me a PM with the following to help us see what kind of gamer you are:

  • Favorite Video Game (include genre):
  • Reason(s) why it is your favorite:
  • Review this game in the Software Library format (see below). This is important to see how you can handle critiquing your "favorite":
  • Most disliked Video Game (include genre):
  • Reason(s) why you hated it so much:
  • Review this game in the Software Library format (see below). This is important to see how you can handle critiquing your "dislikes":
  • Are you more of a casual gamer or hardcore gamer?
  • What (in your opinion) is the most important aspect of a game? Does it depend on the genre?

To use the rubric:

  1. Use the percentages as points (up to 100).
  2. Divide earned points by total (eg. 80 / 100).
  3. Multiply that by the number of actual points (eg. 25 points)

Software Rubric:

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How Games Are Rated

Games will now be a weighted score out of 100, combining the technical aspects with the artistic aspects of game development. Game genre is also factored into this score; there will be a different rubric for RPG, Platform, Adventure, and Arcade/Puzzle games. Also, the higher the percentage, the stricter that aspect should be graded. Categories with lower percentages should be rated lightly. This may sound counter-intuitive at first, but the reason the percentages are low in the first place is because they aren't that important compared to the other aspects.


The RPG Rubric


Gameplay (25 points)

  • Functionality (30 %)

    How many glitches does this game have? Are there any noteworthy features that work?

  • Innovativeness/Originality (30 %)

    How original or cliche is the gameplay? How many extra features does it have (whether or not they actually work)? Are they useful features?

  • Entertainment/Replay Value (40 %)

    How fun is the gameplay? Is it something BZPers would want to play again?

Graphics (13 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the graphics?

  • Aesthetics (15 %): How good do they look?

  • Credit (10 %): Did they give due credit for the artwork they used? This is an all-or-nothing score. If the reviewer sees one graphic that isn't addressed in the credits section, 10 points are gone.
Story (50 points)
  • Characterization (50 %): Do the characters have distinct personalities? Do any of the characters undergo personal trials at some point during the game? Is there distinct dialogue between different characters in the game? How believable are the protagonists personality-wise? Antagonists personality-wise?

  • Plot (50 %): How interesting is the plot? Does it have twists? Is the storyline "campy" or cliche?
Audio (12 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the tracks and sound effects? This does not apply to recycled music created by the game developer/company.

  • Atmosphere (10 %): Does the audio fit into its environment? Rate how well it blends with the mood between 0 and 10.

  • Quality (15 %): How well or poorly are the tracks written? Do they sound good? Are they catchy or boring? Rate the quality of the soundtrack between 0 and 15.


The Platform Game Rubric


Gameplay (50 points)

  • Functionality (30 %)

    How many glitches does this game have? Are there any noteworthy features that work?

  • Innovativeness/Originality (30 %)

    How original or cliche is the gameplay? How many extra features does it have (whether or not they actually work)? Are they useful features?

  • Entertainment/Replay Value (40 %)

    How fun is the gameplay? Is it something BZPers would want to play again?

Graphics (25 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the graphics?

  • Aesthetics (15 %): How good do they look?

  • Credit (10 %): Did they give due credit for the artwork they used? This is an all-or-nothing score. If the reviewer sees one graphic that isn't addressed in the credits section, 10 points are gone.
Story (13 points)
  • Characterization (50 %): Do the characters have distinct personalities? Do any of the characters undergo personal trials at some point during the game? Is there distinct dialogue between different characters in the game? How believable are the protagonists personality-wise? Antagonists personality-wise?

  • Plot (50 %): How interesting is the plot? Does it have twists? Is the storyline "campy" or cliche?
Audio (12 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the tracks and sound effects? This does not apply to recycled music created by the game developer/company.

  • Atmosphere (10 %): Does the audio fit into its environment? Rate how well it blends with the mood between 0 and 10.

  • Quality (15 %): How well or poorly are the tracks written? Do they sound good? Are they catchy or boring? Rate the quality of the soundtrack between 0 and 15.


The Arcade/Puzzle Game Rubric


Gameplay (75 points)

  • Functionality (30 %)

    How many glitches does this game have? Are there any noteworthy features that work?

  • Innovativeness/Originality (30 %)

    How original or cliche is the gameplay? How many extra features does it have (whether or not they actually work)? Are they useful features?

  • Entertainment/Replay Value (40 %)

    How fun is the gameplay? Is it something BZPers would want to play again?

Graphics (15 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the graphics?

  • Aesthetics (15 %): How good do they look?

  • Credit (10 %): Did they give due credit for the artwork they used? This is an all-or-nothing score. If the reviewer sees one graphic that isn't addressed in the credits section, 10 points are gone.
Story (5 points)
  • Characterization (50 %): Do the characters have distinct personalities? Do any of the characters undergo personal trials at some point during the game? Is there distinct dialogue between different characters in the game? How believable are the protagonists personality-wise? Antagonists personality-wise?

  • Plot (50 %): How interesting is the plot? Does it have twists? Is the storyline "campy" or cliche?
Audio (5 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the tracks and sound effects? This does not apply to recycled music created by the game developer/company.

  • Atmosphere (10 %): Does the audio fit into its environment? Rate how well it blends with the mood between 0 and 10.

  • Quality (15 %): How well or poorly are the tracks written? Do they sound good? Are they catchy or boring? Rate the quality of the soundtrack between 0 and 15.

The Adventure Game Rubric


Gameplay (25 points)

  • Functionality (30 %)

    How many glitches does this game have? Are there any noteworthy features that work?

  • Innovativeness/Originality (30 %)

    How original or cliche is the gameplay? How many extra features does it have (whether or not they actually work)? Are they useful features?

  • Entertainment/Replay Value (40 %)

    How fun is the gameplay? Is it something BZPers would want to play again?

Graphics (25 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the graphics?

  • Aesthetics (15 %): How good do they look?

  • Credit (10 %): Did they give due credit for the artwork they used? This is an all-or-nothing score. If the reviewer sees one graphic that isn't addressed in the credits section, 10 points are gone.
Story (25 points)
  • Characterization (50 %): Do the characters have distinct personalities? Do any of the characters undergo personal trials at some point during the game? Is there distinct dialogue between different characters in the game? How believable are the protagonists personality-wise? Antagonists personality-wise?

  • Plot (50 %): How interesting is the plot? Does it have twists? Is the storyline "campy" or cliche?
Audio (25 points)
  • Originality (25 %): How original are the tracks and sound effects? This does not apply to recycled music created by the game developer/company.

  • Atmosphere (10 %): Does the audio fit into its environment? Rate how well it blends with the mood between 0 and 10.

  • Quality (15 %): How well or poorly are the tracks written? Do they sound good? Are they catchy or boring? Rate the quality of the soundtrack between 0 and 15.


Good luck to all applicants. :D


Recommended Comments

Hmm, interesting. I doubt that I have the time (and memory/disc space, lol) to do this. Good luck to everyone who applies!

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Hmm... I think I may apply. ;)

:lol: If you happen to know anyone who might be interested in this though, you should tell them about this opportunity.


C'mon people, you get to review games! You'll be like those people who run the big game review sites... kind of. What more can one ask for? :P

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I can possibly. I'll take a look at the Rubic when I get the chance. I have dishes to wash.


EIDT: Just finished sending it. I spent at least two hours typing all that information. :P

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I got in pretty easy. I forgot the rules and asked Emzee if I could be a reviewer, and he said you couldn't apply etc.


Then two days later he sent me a message about being hired. ;)



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I got in pretty easy. I forgot the rules and asked Emzee if I could be a reviewer, and he said you couldn't apply etc.


Then two days later he sent me a message about being hired. ;)



If I remember correctly, that was when Leppy went on his hiatus and we didn't have any other non-RPG reviewers, so you lucked out. :P

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Hm, it took me quite a while to write that review of my favorite game. I have no idea what I'll say for my most disliked game. I've never really played a game that I hated, because I only buy a game if I'm sure I'll enjoy it. =/

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Money, Fame, Power.

He HAS got a point. :biggrin:

A salary of $00.00, the power to give pretty stars the size of a seed, and a position in the non-existent BZP history books... :P

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Money, Fame, Power.

Well, I don't know about money, but you do get (potential) power over the success of games, and you'll become one the Fan-Created Games top dogs - granting you your fame!


Bah, money's overrated anyway. :rolleyes:

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