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10 Reasons Gelu Is More Awesome Than Strakk

-Toa Lhikevikk-


woot premier week is over and i still have my blog for the rest of the year 8D (I've been using that emote a lot lately, haven't I?)


10: Gelu has an Inika torso, Strakk has an ugly custom. (No customs in my blog. >:o INIKA TORSOS FTW!)

9: Gelu's job makes him travel the planet. All Strakk does is fight a little and go home.

8. Gelu stopped being a Glatorian so he could be a caravan guard and that's cool. Strakk stopped being a Glatorian because he tried to kill Ackar and that's not cool.

7. Gelu will only rob you if it was the right thing to do. Strakk will rob you and couldn't care less.

6. Gelu battled Fero and defeated him. (Not to mention looked awesome doing it.) Strakk battled Fero and got owned. (Not to mention looked like a total noob.)

5. Gelu has a cool-looking helmet. Strakk has an ugly helmet.

4. Gelu fights pirates. Strakk fights retired soldiers.

3. Gelu is slim, tall, and handsome, Strakk is a disturbingly skinny hunchback.

2. Gelu did all sorts of cool things in Raid on Vulcanus, Strakk just did a few boooooring things.

1. Gelu has an awesome sword. Strakk has a boring axe.


Gelu rocks, Strakk sucks. :smeag:


(Gelu also wants you to join the V Team. The universe is at stake, people!)


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I was using Metal in the adjectival (I think that's a word) way here. I mean't it's really frakking sweet.

Also I used Strakk's body on a Voroxmod of my own and it works better than Lego's vorox body.
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10 Reasons Strakk owns Gelu (read: rebuttal)


10: The Inika torso wins, yeah. But Gelu doesn't use it creatively at all. Even Gresh did better.

9: That's a cool job, though.

8: Traitors, cowards, backstabbers, and good businessmen all make great characters.

7: Robbers also make good characters.

6: Fero's tough to beat, it's true. But it's Gelu's job to fight him, not Strakk's, so cut him some slack.

5: Strakk's helmet looks like a cross between a demon, a skull, and the Abominable Snowman. Gelu's looks like a Mandalorian helmet that got a Snowflake Shield thrown at the back of it.

4: Retired soldiers can be brutal, mind you.

3: Gelu, however, looks like he's actually TRYING to make his body proportionate. Fail. Strakk revels in his "good looks".

2: Strakk had the best lines in that book, if not all of BIONICLE's later half.*

1: Gelu's sword is rubber. Strakk has a VERY. BIG. AXE. Therefore he WINS.

And the winning blow: Strakk's got a great accent. Gelu didn't even show up in the movie.


*As in,


Ackar: "It's all up to Gresh now."

Strakk: "Vy doesn't dat feel me with confeedince..."

Kiina: "You just better hope the bone hunters don't fill you with Thornax! :D "

Strakk: "And rrruin my good loox? They vuldn't darr!"


Gelu: "Could you save the pickpocketing till the battle is over?!"

Strakk: "By then all tha good loot vill bee gonn! Agori arr queeck, and they hav steecky feengers."

Gelu: "You're hopeless."

Strakk: "I know! Eet's my best qualiteeeeee."

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