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Possible Zombie Plans



The following plans are possible responses to a Class 1-2 outbreak in or around our immediate area. These are all plans that I have come up with based on my location and the resources available to me. Your situation may be different, so you should develop your own plan.


also leggo my eggo >:[


Plan 1

Location: High School


Preparation Needed:

• Solar panels for electricity (possibly)


• Help from principal or janitor (for keys/access; preferably janitor, because he's awesome)


• Some food, depending on when in the year it is/how much food is already there


• Spray paint/other window blackeners


• Radio or other communication device


• Many people


• Weapons (not as necessary due to certain supplies in the school)



• Alert principal/janitor/person with keys


• Gather friends/acquaintances


• Notify/invite friends from Massachusetts (who are all awesome) (if they are in danger too)


• Get to the choppah school and get inside


• Raid the kitchen for any food (note: the kitchen is accessible through the second floor if the proper measures are implemented)


• Raid the gym area/storage and weight room for any useful items (compound bows/arrows, golf clubs, weights & heavy objects, bars/poles, fitness machines, etc.)


• Move all scavenged supplies to the second floor


• Scour the second floor for all the temporary walls (there are like a billion) and use them to barricade all stairwells


• Black out the windows on all bottom-floor entrance doors, black out the windows on the doors to all stairwells, black out most upper-floor windows


• Ensure easy access to the roof (via foreign language area and one English room)


• Knock over/destroy the "permanent temporary walls" in at least one wing of the building to create a large open space


• Designate certain rooms for certain functions


• Set up electricity sources (solar panels [if acquired], stationary bikes /w/ generators) and lights


• Look for entertaining items, remain entertained


• Survive


Practicality: High

Ease of accessibility: Moderate/High

Distance: Close

Security from Zombies: Moderate/High

Security from Bandits: Moderate/High (depending on how thorough the set up is)


Plan 2

Location: House of former neighbor


Preparation Needed:

• Any supplies they do not readily have


• Wood, metal, bricks, and/or cinder blocks for possible wall


• Construction equipment


• Weapons


• Radio or other communication device



• Gather supplies (maybe stop at local store to pick up more)


• Recruit neighbor at the end of our road who has construction equipment


• Drive to former neighbor's house


• Construct deep ditch and dirt wall around property with construction equipment


• Move all supplies upstairs


• Destroy porch/other means of entry


• Destroy staircase (should be easy, it's an awesome staircase)


• Set up lookout/sniper post on the top floor's "tower"/"tower"'s roof (heck yeah)


• Survive


Practicality: Moderate

Ease of accessibility: Low/Minimal

Distance: Far

Security from Zombies: Moderate/High

Security from Bandits: Low/Moderate

Awesomeness: > 9000



Plan 3

Location: Overpass


Preparation Needed:

• Solar panels for electricity (possibly)


• Sturdy wood and/or metal for a small retractable bridge


• Other supplies


• Weapons


• Radio or other communication device



• Gather supplies (maybe stop at local store to pick up more)


• Recruit neighbor at the end of our road who has construction equipment


• Find a large overpass


• Put all supplies in the center of the overpass


• Use construction equipment to destroy both ends of the overpass, cutting off entrance


• Build a small retractable bridge for escape/scavenging purposes


• Survive


Practicality: Low

Ease of accessibility: Moderate

Distance: Fairly Close

Security from Zombies: Moderate/High

Security from Bandits: Low/Moderate



If anyone is in the New England area and needs shelter, I can provide you with details of the school's location (if that plan is chosen).


Also bye August. :(


Recommended Comments

And now if I become a zombie, I know all your plans. =P

And since you know neither my location nor any of the locations I listed, I'd say I'm still pretty safe. : D

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And now if I become a zombie, I know all your plans. =P

And since you know neither my location nor any of the locations I listed, I'd say I'm still pretty safe. : D





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And now if I become a zombie, I know all your plans. =P

And since you know neither my location nor any of the locations I listed, I'd say I'm still pretty safe. : D





Wait, zombies keep their memories when they're zombified?

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He might not, but SOMEONE on BZP does....

Anyway, My ZIP(Zombie Invasion Plan) is at the ready as well

Only flaw I have is gathering family members, as they are on all sides of my county(Not saying which)

I suppose I could just leave them, But they ARE the only people around that can follow my plan...

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Heres my plan: Take a baseball bat and beat them to death.


Because zombies are ROTTED CORPSES. They're muscle is rotted, so they can barely move, and could only inflict damage if you were, like, chained to a buncha cinderblocks.


Bandits, however...




Mind if I took a highjacked helicopter to your place?

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If you're on the run from Zombies, and you're best friends with a fat kid, make a new best friend, and when the fat kid collapses from running a few yards, do not wait, do not help, keep running. He's a good distraction from zombies.

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Are they normal, slow zombies, or the annoying fast zombies?


If they're not fast, all you need is an axe, caffeine and an Ipod Classic full of Buckethead. :P




fix'd. :P


Actully, I made a zombie weapon (No, seriously). It's my sister's old metal softball bat, with a Big gaff hook duct-taped (If there is a real attack I'll probably weld it on) to the end. It's perfect if theres slow zombies. Just pull them with the hook so they stumble, then beat them to a pulp. And shoot them with whatever gun you have on you. Having a local Wal-Mart with a big knife/ Machete Isle helps too. And being within walking distance of a Guns & ammo store with big guns like AK-47s helps, also.


Also, my uncle who lives like three houses away has about 12 quads, so I'd just steal one of those. I'm sure he wont mind.


I'm gonna post my zombie plan once I finish it. Probably tonight.








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Because zombies are ROTTED CORPSES. They're muscle is rotted, so they can barely move, and could only inflict damage if you were, like, chained to a buncha cinderblocks.

They actually aren't. Most zombies need to be fairly non-rotted in order for the virus to be sustained. And they're pretty much tireless. Their only real physical weakness is their inability to heal, so when they exert themselves it slowly wears their muscles away.

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Because zombies are ROTTED CORPSES. They're muscle is rotted, so they can barely move, and could only inflict damage if you were, like, chained to a buncha cinderblocks.

They actually aren't. Most zombies need to be fairly non-rotted in order for the virus to be sustained. And they're pretty much tireless. Their only real physical weakness is their inability to heal, so when they exert themselves it slowly wears their muscles away.

You're not talking about zombies then!


What you're referring to is infected people, carriers of a virus. They require a whole different set of plans. It's hard to know beforehand what type of virus you're up against.


If the virus feeds on the brain, they're not going to be very bright, or coordinated, and will eventually either die or be completely taken over by the virus. Perhaps it rewires the brain to kill, then promptly dies off? Then you're probably going to have to outsmart them. Maybe it's sentient and parasitic, taking over the whole body and destroying/eating the brain! If that's the case, who knows what they're capable of?


Or it could simply cause excruciating pain, and whoever administrated it told the victims that they could rid themselves of it by passing it on to someone else. It doesn't sound like it'd work, but after you've been suffering for long enough you'd probably try anything. And then it would just spread, and perhaps in a week it would control everyone's minds.


Maybe the virus changes the chemical makeup of the body, making it impervious to weapons? Maybe it causes the body to photosynthesize, no longer requiring food! Maybe it shoots stomach acids to melt walls! Maybe it causes the whole body to combust when the virus feels threatened or is attacked!


Or maybe it makes you grow eyes that can see through walls, or wings so you can chase your prey faster than they can run?

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The virus infects the host, enters the brain, and then rots/mutates it. The person dies within a day, but the virus in the brain lives. The person then reanimates, controlled by the virus.


I suggest picking up a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide for more complete information.

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Personally, I'm not telling anyone my plans. I don't want someone who's been infected but hasn't yet died to compromise my position and then kill me from within.


Also, I have a lot banking on the fact that the apocalypse doesn't happen too soon, since I'm in a densely populated urban area right now. *Shudder.*

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The virus infects the host, enters the brain, and then rots/mutates it. The person dies within a day, but the virus in the brain lives. The person then reanimates, controlled by the virus.


I suggest picking up a copy of The Zombie Survival Guide for more complete information.



..How would the author(s) of said guide know?


Also, in that case decapitating the body should kill it, right? Unless it runs down and replaces the nervous system, and then the virus nerves become full-fledged viruses and somehow can control their respective body parts and move in unison.

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You'd have to read the guide to find that out.


And yes, cutting off the head effectively stops them, but they could still bite your ankles. The most thorough way to kill them is to destroy the brain.

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You'd have to read the guide to find that out.


And yes, cutting off the head effectively stops them, but they could still bite your ankles. The most thorough way to kill them is to destroy the brain.

aka boom headshot


Anyway, I thought I'd publicly show a couple of my plans to prompt people to make their own. :)

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easiest plan get an axe a shotgun a highspeed car head to wallmart clean out the place then make it safe for everyone and then you got a zombie killing fortresss

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