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Weekly Update - 9/4

Black Six



It's that time again. You guessed it! It's time for our Weekly Update! Hooray!



First off, and let me make this very clear:


Do NOT post The Legend Reborn spoilers AT ALL until September 29th.


Additionally, and I thought this would be obvious:


Downloading movies online is ILLEGAL. Do not post links to downloads or discuss them on BZPower.


So, anyway, the BrickFair coverage has finally been going up. We have a long summary of the event, the second episode of the Powercast (which discusses BrickFair), our pictures of the event, and our pictures of some of the MOCs (more to come, honest!). A thousand pictures is a lot, and I have other stuff to worry about and deal with too, but we're getting there. We're also working on editing together the review (it needs quite a bit of work, who new BZPower Staff could be so crazy?). That will get posted eventually. Next year you should come to the event so you don't have to wait for us to post news stories about it!


Speaking of events, if you live in the Salt Lake City area, you have a chance to meet Greg Farshtey at Wal Mart in October. Fun fun!


Speaking of really cool events, The Legend Reborn gets released in the United States in eleven days! The lucky Australians have it already, and what I've heard has been a little mixed but generally positive. I guess I'll have to wait until the fifteenth to find out for myself.



1. When did you start becoming interested in the Bionicle Storyline?

2. Being 22, do you ever get odd looks when your seen purchasing a Bionicle?

3. What’s your favourite food?

4. What’s your favourite TV show?

5. What was the first album you ever bought?

6. What would you save if your house was burning down?

7. What makes you truly happy?

8. What book are you reading at the moment?

9. What's the best advise you've ever receved?

10. Describe yourselve in 3 words...

11. What habit would you like to give up most?

12. Do you like House (the TV show)?

13. Is there an afterlife?

14. If the glass half full or half empty?

1. In 2001 when Bionicle came out. I started losing interest around the Metru Nui time period and have only loosely followed it since then.

2. I do most of my shopping (for everything) online, so no.

3. Depends on what I'm in the mood for.

4. Farscape.

5. No idea. I started buying CDs in the early 90s, so I didn't really keep track. My latest purchase, however, was Let It Be... Naked.

6. My computer, or at least the hard drives from out of them.

7. Can someone ever be truly happy?

8. Terra Incognita: The Edge of the World

9. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

10. Totally awesome dude.

11. Hmm, maybe the habit of posting these Weekly Updates.

12. I'm not a huge fan, I've seen a few episodes, but it's nothing that makes me come back.

13. Religion is not to be discussed on BZPower.

14. I'm an engineer: The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.


1. Do you like any modern music? (Pesonaly I can't stand it)

2. Ever heard of Chex Quest? (Another DOOM engine FPS)

3. What is your least favorite forum on this site?

1. Most of the music I listen too is from the 60s and 70s, with some from the 80s and early 90s.

2. Not offhand.

3. Completely Off Topic. I'm all for deleting it for good. ;)


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



And yeah, that's it for tonight. Have fun everyone!


Recommended Comments

Thanks for clearing up the issue about discussing the movie after downloading it/watching it online. :) You may want to add that rule to the header in Bionicle Movies & Books, though, since a lot of people who streamed or downloaded it are discussing it there (spoiler-free, as far as I know), and I was confused myself about whether that was allowed until I saw this post.


Also, I have to agree with you about CoT. :P

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The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

I am now using this as my answer to that question. (Before that I would say it's all full of something.)


Yay BrickFair! I should probably type up some info about the various themes...



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Get rid of COT; it's no good. And take LGD while you're at it. :evilgrin:


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


But that's the best forum! :o


System is way better than lame-o BIONICLE. :P

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Get rid of COT; it's no good. And take LGD while you're at it. :evilgrin:


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

No man! We have a quality Fan-Created Game in LGD. It stays in my book! :P


I should've known you didn't follow the storyline that much, I don't know why I was surprised at first (like most of the upper staff don't follow it).

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Thanks for clearing up the issue about discussing the movie after downloading it/watching it online. :) You may want to add that rule to the header in Bionicle Movies & Books, though, since a lot of people who streamed or downloaded it are discussing it there (spoiler-free, as far as I know), and I was confused myself about whether that was allowed until I saw this post.


Also, I have to agree with you about CoT. :P

What I meant was you can't discuss illegally downloading it. Discussing the movie (without spoilers) is fine.


Also Farscape ftw.


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Yes, get rid of COT. :sly: It is where I like approving posts the least- COT is so messy!

Just kidding of course, I know many people like COT (just think of the April folls prank in 2007 when you deleted LGD and COT). I still don´t like it, though.


~Gata. ;)

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System is way better than lame-o BIONICLE. :P
System? You mean like Xbox 360? :D



I should've known you didn't follow the storyline that much, I don't know why I was surprised at first (like most of the upper staff don't follow it).
Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. There's a storyline now? When did that happen? :P



©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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System? You mean like Xbox 360? :D


BZP>Xbox in my opinion. BZP encourages creativity and discussion, while 360 encourages the opposite. :P


I think Lego threw away a huge opportunity with TLR. I mean, I think the least they could've done was make the action less cartoony, and I didn't even see that in any of the previews we got. I think it's safe to say I'll be waiting for this one to re-air over TV before I watch it.

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