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Well, Bionicle don't have to follow us human anatomy...but wow. That is a bit too overboard.

So you're saying they SHOULD follow human anatomy, but not completely.

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Well, Bionicle don't have to follow us human anatomy...but wow. That is a bit too overboard.

So you're saying they SHOULD follow human anatomy, but not completely.

I could agree to that statement. I support the proportions used on many of today's sets, but largely because there's no pleasing alternative (yes, you could use shorter upper arms, but with the upper and lower arms different lengths they look awkward when bent). What we need are shorter lower limb joints, although I'm not sure when (if ever) we can expect those to be designed.

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Here's my stance: They're humanoids, so they should have decent (aka feasible) proportions. But they're not humans, so they shouldn't necessarily have to have exact human proportions.


-=< :s: >=-

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i think it is funny how there is always something to complain about. I mean, most other action-figures you can buy are made of cheaper plastic, are not buildable, or moddable and they have less cool stories behind them...


So I think I'll look past the anatomy.


Except of course: Maxilos. Maxilos is the coolest set, anatomy wise. Who else has clavicles and can shrug?

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Can someone just admit it's ugly? Please. Let's face it: the set designers are NOT thinking, "We'll give them Bionicle proportions, which are different, yada yada yada." They're thinking, "Hey well since we have to recycle this limb design over and over again let's use this armor piece with this leg piece, etc." So to say that their proportions don't have to be the same is an excuse frankly. DV BACK ME UP WHERE ARE YOU :P
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It's ugly, yes. :P


The sets/characters of Bionicle come from another universe. What do we call beings that come from other universes? Aliens. And since when do people from any fictional industry present aliens as anatomically identical to humans?


Just my take.



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And then I come in and show my support for the less-than-conformist proportions.


I mean in some cases it's terrible (i.e. Jetrax Antroz) but I personally feel it would get boring if every character had human proportions.


Besides, it's not like Bionicle ever had perfect bodies. Even the Mata - yes, those GLORIOUS heroes that everybody positively ogles over and hails them as "te huber p[wnage 111/10 ololol" and whatnot - never had human proportions.



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It's ugly, yes. :P


The sets/characters of Bionicle come from another universe. What do we call beings that come from other universes? Aliens. And since when do people from any fictional industry present aliens as anatomically identical to humans?


Just my take.



If it's admittedly ugly in the first place, I don't see how the alien excuse fixes anything.

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Can someone just admit it's ugly? Please. Let's face it: the set designers are NOT thinking, "We'll give them Bionicle proportions, which are different, yada yada yada." They're thinking, "Hey well since we have to recycle this limb design over and over again let's use this armor piece with this leg piece, etc." So to say that their proportions don't have to be the same is an excuse frankly. DV BACK ME UP WHERE ARE YOU :P




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Can someone just admit it's ugly? Please.

^He's right^

: D


I personally feel it would get boring if every character had human proportions.

We'll get to that bridge when we cross it. And by that I mean, if we ever get a set that has human proportions, then we can argue that. xD


The Hagah are the closest I can think of. They were awesome sets IMO


It's ugly, yes. :P


The sets/characters of Bionicle come from another universe. What do we call beings that come from other universes? Aliens. And since when do people from any fictional industry present aliens as anatomically identical to humans?


Just my take.



If it's admittedly ugly in the first place, I don't see how the alien excuse fixes anything.



Can someone just admit it's ugly? Please.

^He's right^

Ugly to the point of giving me nightmares.





Can someone just admit it's ugly? Please. Let's face it: the set designers are NOT thinking, "We'll give them Bionicle proportions, which are different, yada yada yada." They're thinking, "Hey well since we have to recycle this limb design over and over again let's use this armor piece with this leg piece, etc." So to say that their proportions don't have to be the same is an excuse frankly. DV BACK ME UP WHERE ARE YOU :P





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It's ugly, yes. :P


The sets/characters of Bionicle come from another universe. What do we call beings that come from other universes? Aliens. And since when do people from any fictional industry present aliens as anatomically identical to humans?


Just my take.



If it's admittedly ugly in the first place, I don't see how the alien excuse fixes anything.

'Never said it fixes anything, I just addressed a matter of [anatomical] expectations.


And I also did not say I disagree with Dok's point, either.



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y'know, it wouldn't be so bad if they'd just use inhuman proportions where it makes sense


i.e. air characters lankier, earth/stone characters shorter, etc...


01 is a perfect example of this but of course they can't see that

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Here I am, to save the day?


The sets/characters of Bionicle come from another universe. What do we call beings that come from other universes? Aliens. And since when do people from any fictional industry present aliens as anatomically identical to humans?

SEE: Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Humans have long imagined 'aliens' to look somewhat similar to us (we're kind of an arrogant species).


but I personally feel it would get boring if every character had human proportions.

Sure, because people with the vast array of body types get boring, right? Tall people, short people, lanky people, rotund people, stout people, plus of course, the inevitable mixes, creates a world where there is vast and obvious body differentiation, while still holding still to the general 'proportional perfection'.


The human form is the most pleasing form to the human eye. And a mastery of the human proportions allows one to realistically and creatively alter and skew the proportions to create the desired affect. The proportions in BIONICLE are, biologically, psychologically, sociologically, and culturally speaking, lacking in aesthetic pleasantries. You can disagree from your personal opinion all you want to, but all of these sciences, and social sciences, have shown that this is a standard that you can apply. It is a fact that the human form is the most pleasing to the human eye and mind. It would be illogical to try and argue against that. And, since the point of BIONICLE is to sell something, not making a change that would increase the aesthetic value in the human eye and mind, even on a subconscious level, is a foolish business move. If you can up the appeal to the group you are targeting, why wouldn't you? It's just good business. And logic.


Now, you can argue against this based on personal preferences, but realize that if you like beings with less-than-human proportions, when they have always been depicted as near-human, or humanoid, you are actually in the world-wide social and cultural minority. And why should any business cater to a minority, when they have the option to cater to the majority, and even still please a majority of the minority, thereby extending the clientele?


Probably sucks for those who actually like the proportions to be in a minority for once. ;)


The proportions look terrible from every perspective except minority personal preference. That's pretty much a fact.

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The sets/characters of Bionicle come from another universe. What do we call beings that come from other universes? Aliens. And since when do people from any fictional industry present aliens as anatomically identical to humans?

SEE: Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Humans have long imagined 'aliens' to look somewhat similar to us (we're kind of an arrogant species).

Well, yes, I never said we viewed aliens as hexopedial mushrooms with conical heads. :P What I mean is that when we think of aliens, we think of an exaggerated physique. But yeah, we are arrogant. ^_^


Probably sucks for those who actually like the proportions to be in a minority for once. ;)


The proportions look terrible from every perspective except minority personal preference. That's pretty much a fact.

Ai agwee.



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Sure, because people with the vast array of body types get boring, right? Tall people, short people, lanky people, rotund people, stout people, plus of course, the inevitable mixes, creates a world where there is vast and obvious body differentiation, while still holding still to the general 'proportional perfection'.


The human form is the most pleasing form to the human eye. And a mastery of the human proportions allows one to realistically and creatively alter and skew the proportions to create the desired affect. The proportions in BIONICLE are, biologically, psychologically, sociologically, and culturally speaking, lacking in aesthetic pleasantries. You can disagree from your personal opinion all you want to, but all of these sciences, and social sciences, have shown that this is a standard that you can apply. It is a fact that the human form is the most pleasing to the human eye and mind. It would be illogical to try and argue against that. And, since the point of BIONICLE is to sell something, not making a change that would increase the aesthetic value in the human eye and mind, even on a subconscious level, is a foolish business move. If you can up the appeal to the group you are targeting, why wouldn't you? It's just good business. And logic.


Now, you can argue against this based on personal preferences, but realize that if you like beings with less-than-human proportions, when they have always been depicted as near-human, or humanoid, you are actually in the world-wide social and cultural minority. And why should any business cater to a minority, when they have the option to cater to the majority, and even still please a majority of the minority, thereby extending the clientele?


Probably sucks for those who actually like the proportions to be in a minority for once. ;)


The proportions look terrible from every perspective except minority personal preference. That's pretty much a fact.

Forgive my dullness right now, but what?


I was somewhat taking into consideration the various body types of actual humans - if Bionicle had these then well I dunno, it would kinda suck IMO. We need characters like Kongu Mahri and Mata Nui - the characters with odd shapes.


Let me know when you see a human with shoulders five times as wide as their hips or hands that come down to their knees and I will admit I was wrong.



*is undoubtedly going to regret that*

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