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Leader Is Soooo Gullible And Sisen Is An Emo Zombie Clown



[14:16] ExoFat: Did you read [site W/Forums Removed]'s new MW2 preview?

[14:16] Leader: no .-.

[14:16] Leader: SHOOOOOOOW ME

[14:16] ExoFat: It talks about how Activision is going to include new minigames during special "clash" sequences of the story and multiplayer modes

[14:17] Leader: nuuuuu Activision ;___;

[14:17] Leader: ###### yooooooooou Activision

[14:17] ExoFat: Yeah

[14:17] ExoFat: I was like Oo

[14:17] ExoFat: when I read it

[14:17] Leader: Activision is a horrible publisher

[14:18] ExoFat: They said that they want MW2 to appeal to more gamers than just the hardcore crowd

[14:18] Leader: Infinity Ward is an amazing devolper

[14:18] Leader: FAIL

[14:18] ExoFat: And MW: Reflex will have waggle gameplay

[14:18] Leader: ;_;

[14:18] Leader: I'm buy CoD4 for the 360

[14:18] Leader: *buying

[14:19] Leader: link me to the atricle

[14:20] ExoFat: I'll give you the [site W/Forums Removed] link

[14:20] ExoFat: [site W/Forums Removed.]

[14:20] ExoFat: Behold, the new face of MW2

[14:20] ExoFat: AND mw: r

[14:20] ExoFat: *MW: R

[14:20] Leader: you just killed me from within

[14:21] Leader: serilously give me the article

[14:21] ExoFat: XD

[14:22] ExoFat: ROFL

[14:22] Leader: I had a feeling it would be like that

[14:23] Leader: so MW2 is still safe from the evils of Activision?

[14:23] ExoFat: Perhaps :P


He totally believed it the whole time. XD The article that I linked him to was a review for a game called "Family Pirate Party". :P


[14:29] ExoFat: haha

[14:29] Sisen: Then I had a dream...

[14:30] Sisen: Did you hear about my emo zombie clowns that kidnapped bzpers and friends and I was samus or had a power suit?

[14:30] ExoFat: Oo

[14:30] ExoFat: No...

[14:30] Sisen: That was the night before. Last night.... well I can't remember last nights dream now. Wasn't that memorable

[14:30] Sisen: yeah i was on a planet

[14:30] Sisen: on vacation with friends i know

[14:30] Sisen: well people i know

[14:31] Sisen: then it turned into bzpers too

[14:31] Sisen: and we were going otuside

[14:31] Sisen: and i was like "This would bethe perfect spot for an emo zombie clown ambush"

[14:31] Sisen: and it happened ._.

[14:31] Sisen: they were after me to try and get BZP

[14:31] Sisen: so they took bzpers

[14:31] Sisen: and yeah >>

[14:31] ExoFat: Wow

[14:32] Sisen: I blame Turakki for talking to me about my psychic powers and such before I went to bed.

[14:32] ExoFat: That's like OO

[14:32] ExoFat: *blogs about it*

[14:32] Sisen: ._.

[14:33] Sisen: I ended up blowing all the zombies up though. Used some electric corruption mode attack Oo

[14:33] ExoFat: I think you stay up too late with MPT :P

[14:34] Sisen: I actually got up early and played it all morning that day.

[14:34] ExoFat: lolz

[14:34] Sisen: Never played it that night.

[14:34] Sisen: I did last night...no dreams about it. I want to go play soon cuz shows on at 7

[14:35] Sisen: -till bed

[14:35] ExoFat: Maybe it was the anticipation of MPT combined with subconscious acknowledgement of L4D2 adverts that triggered the dreamscape vision

[14:35] Sisen: No.

[14:36] Sisen: I read a comic where someone was called an EMO Clown

[14:36] ExoFat: Oh

[14:36] Sisen: not sure where zombies came from but they were included

[14:36] ExoFat: That explains it, lol


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It was a dream and the perspective I was seeing it from kept changing. Plus the chat didn’t mention I had played Metroid Prime for quite a few hours that day.

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It was a dream and the perspective I was seeing it from kept changing. Plus the chat didn’t mention I had played Metroid Prime for quite a few hours that day.


*wants these people's AIM name-thingies* :P

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Well, Exo, Vak is bleeding from his ears, and is currently dying as a result of something I told him to read on AIM. :P

He even admitted it to me. I don't know how he's bleeding from his ears, because what I made him read didn't make a sound.


It was just that bad. XD



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