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Der Montag Eins





This week's theme... the opposite gender.


So I ask her out, she's all like woot yeah. And then she texts me like, hey still getting over my breakup, not ready kthxbai but I still want to get together to hang out as friends. So I'm like o_O lol wut so I leave her a message and she calls me back and I'm not mentally prepared so the conversation ends all awkward like. Anyway I sent her a message on Facebook so hopefully things will be resolved. I'm sorta indifferent at this point. We'll see what happens.


EDIT: Yes, mentioning Facebook is allowed, you just can't link to it. See what Black Six said here. ^_^


Recommended Comments

Give up on getting a girl friend, life is simpler and you will have more moneys


That's impossible. it's like an impossibly good meal: Once you taste you want more.


Maybe that came out with more undertones then I intended to...

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Why are girls so darn... strange?

Or am I strange, and girls normal?


Boys and girls are -both- pretty strange. Believe me, I'm baffled by both my fellow females AND you guys.xD


So liek Dok, explain to me why the drummer boys now call me "K-Dawg." Even some of THEM don't know how I got that nickname.o_o



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Do little sisters have self-destruct buttons?

I'll answer this one : no, but tickling is a good way to keep them away for a while :P


also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

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also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

be like "lol hay guis im already married and stuff to some guy on the internetz named dokuma lolz"

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Why do girls kill themselves/run away/inflict bodily wounds when I ask them out? :(

Only you can answer that. :)


Why are girls so darn... strange?

Or am I strange, and girls normal?



Will I find true love?



Sure, buddy! : D


Will EW find true love?

Naw, no way.


Give up on getting a girl friend, life is simpler and you will have more moneys


That's impossible. it's like an impossibly good meal: Once you taste you want more.


Maybe that came out with more undertones then I intended to...

VF's right, minus the undertones. :P


Why are girls so darn... strange?

Or am I strange, and girls normal?


Boys and girls are -both- pretty strange. Believe me, I'm baffled by both my fellow females AND you guys.xD


So liek Dok, explain to me why the drummer boys now call me "K-Dawg." Even some of THEM don't know how I got that nickname.o_o



Hmm, no idea on that one. xP


Do little sisters have self-destruct buttons?

I'll answer this one : no, but tickling is a good way to keep them away for a while :P


also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

Tell them you're a happily married woman.


also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

be like "lol hay guis im already married and stuff to some guy on the internetz named dokuma lolz"

Or do that.


Is Mrs. Dok a MAANIIAACC, MMAAAANNNIIAAC on the dance floor?




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Should I comment on this?


Because I have no idea on how to comment on this...let's just say that I'm not the best expert and leave it at that.


And why don't little sister's have self destruct buttons?



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Do little sisters have self-destruct buttons?

I'll answer this one : no, but tickling is a good way to keep them away for a while :P


also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

Tell them you're a happily married woman.


also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

be like "lol hay guis im already married and stuff to some guy on the internetz named dokuma lolz"

Or do that.


Is Mrs. Dok a MAANIIAACC, MMAAAANNNIIAAC on the dance floor?






whatever, you're much more maniacal. ;P

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Do little sisters have self-destruct buttons?

I'll answer this one : no, but tickling is a good way to keep them away for a while :P


also, how do you get like the 40 million loser guys that are flirting with you to stop? :/ it's rather annoying. ;(

pretend to be a boring, shallow, average, 16 year old girl.




Us losers like interesting people.

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Give up on getting a girl friend, life is simpler and you will have more moneys


That's impossible. it's like an impossibly good meal: Once you taste you want more.


Maybe that came out with more undertones then I intended to...


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