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Lady Kopaka


Okay, I know I have commissions to do…


But I need inspiration! Anything! Agh! My brain is so zonked ‘cause of things, this artist block is terrible! Even when you know you have ideas hiding within you, they won’t come out, and anything you try to draw looks so…ewww. Flusterating, quite infuriating and stressing! Same goes to my writing as well. It's just annoying, because I want to improve and simply enjoy it all, but how can I like this?


Do y'all have any advice on killing artist/writers block, and, maybe some suggestions for drawings/projects? I've been rather frustrated with finding my own style, and pinpointing my weaknesses...so helping with that is a plus too.


Hopefully I can start showing more art and writings soon. Thanks for dealing with my silly venting, and for any advice.


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The only thing I do when I can't write is just jot down random stuff on a piece of paper, and hopefully form those thoughts into a story. Which is probably why I have four or five in-the-works, 'cause I have an idea in my head, I write about it, then I get another one, etc. =P



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Usually when I have writer's block, I end up waiting it out until I become inspired by something. So, I might not be much of a help here. :P However, I have found that when I've had writer's block, it's usually when I've got more ideas than I can handle, not the other way around. Just shift through the ideas in your head, and go with the one that you've been meaning to do the longest or are most partial to. Find the one you want to write the most, and just start writing. You'll either be surprised with what you do end up writing, or what you write will be pretty discouraging. :P If worst comes to worst, you can only wait it out. Try to just look farther into normal stuff for inspiration, and let your mind go free. Or you could try to write something completely different from what you're used to. I guess for me writer's block either means that I've got too many ideas or my mind is telling me to look elsewhere for them. I usually get inspired by the strangest things when that happens. :P


Finding your own style? I can't say I have a distinct style myself, although I've seen that you handle the creation of settings excellently. I'd say that you might want to find some exotic settings in which to place your works, because that's one of your strong points. And, it always pays to work on grammar, too. *lol*


Hope this helped at least a little; not sure that writers's block is the same for everyone. :P

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Go to somewhere where creativity is being flaunted. Be it an art gallery, a concert, or a release party for a book. When I got home from seeing The Who I had three new songs in my head. When I attended the release party for the final Harry Potter book I jotted down a bunch of random plot ideas. Just go to see someone else's creativity that you feel will inspire you, and it'll go away. :)

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In a land where the Holy Crusades bring righteous justice upon nomadic thieves, a young knight finds a baby girl in the ruins of an encampment he was raiding. He raises her in secret, keeping the colour of her skin hidden to avoid the stigma. But now, she's almost 12 and growing too big for the abandoned tower, what will he do? What kind of person will she become? How will she change the world?

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I once attended a workshop with a real professional writer, and he said that writer's block is your subconscious telling you that you're going in the wrong direction. So if you're trying to write (or draw) something from a certain angle, or trying to write about/draw a particular thing, try going in the opposite direction. It's like a fly beating against a pane of glass. No matter how hard it tries, it's never going to get anywhere unless it goes in the opposite direction.


However, he also said that if you can't get anywhere no matter how hard you try, the best thing to do is to just force yourself to turn something out. It may look ugly and feel unnatural, but once you get past a certain point you get going again.


I hope some of this helps.



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Huh, I'd say you have a great style, no need to change it really...


Anyway, I've been in the artist block boat for the past couple months. It usually helps me to just draw something out of my comfort zone... Which for me, would be a tree, or animal, or scenery. It gets my hand working its hardest, and then I can draw again.


As for writing... maybe just go read other stuff? I dunno, I'm not a writer.



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When I have writers block, I make myself a big bowl of pop-corn, pore myself a glass of juice, plunk some ice in, and go watch Jeopardy.


So maybe I'm not that much help.


But for drawing, I usually get inspiration when I look at other people's awesome art work. It sort of shames me into trying harder.

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Usually when I have artist's block (which I have extremely often) is just look through BIONICLE comics...or something that I'm into (and if I'm not into anything I try to make myself into something....kinda like I did with the Link drawing I just did) then pick something to try and copy, then it gives me some practice, while also giving me ideas and getting me more into the drawing mood again.

I dunno, when I get artist's block, I just need some kind of inspiration...which can be really hard to find when you can't think of something.

The big problem I have is when ever I get artist's block...I normally have trouble with my drawing skills in general...and can't draw worth a coat....


I'm rambling.....I'm tired....and I find this post to be getting very dull...so uh...I'm done now...



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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For drawing, I usually doodle random stuff instead, usually spirals and circles. Eventually, it'll start turning into something interesting and I'm back on track.


Good luck on breaking your writer's and artist's blocks!



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Go around, look for inspirations. Feed your brains with so many things you want... need to draw, that if you won't you know you will have a mental breakdown. (that works for me usually).


Or, something entirely different: start an art trade with someone. Perhaps an art trade on a very weird, perhaps totally This-is-something-I'd-never-come-up-with trade. Can work too. =J


Artist's block is blarg ><


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Listen to some good music or if that doesn't work just take time off, don't worry about it. Maybe lay off for about a week. Something similar happened to me and once it passed it was like, BAM, and I had three finished drawings right there. So every cloud has a silver lining.



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